Three things to control your path of success

Umesh Krishantha
3 min readApr 7, 2018


Everyone need to be success. But success is not just a thing to get. It is a something that need to be achieved.

Success may be different to everyone. Success in financial, or success in education, success in carrier, success in social life, success in family life.

Some people expect to achieve one of them. Some may select several as their definition of success. There may be a person who need all as well.

But the point is, everyone do not achieve their goals. The person who control his/her path to success will achieve it. You have to drive youself along the path of success.

So you are the controller of your path of success. Otherwise someone will control you for their success. Self-control is always the key to stay on the path.

Self-control: Willpower over someones’ action

Self-control on what? This is your question, isn’t it?

By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character. ~Grenville Kleiser

These three self-controls will define the path of your success.


Finance is a main control piece of our lives. Most of our needs are based on finance. So financial control must be your habit. Otherwise you will trap in a financial cage.

Everything you earn will have to spend. What comes in, will flow out. There will be nothing for you to invest in yourself or in a market.

First thing most important to success in finance is not how much you earn. It is how much you spend.

So, have a self-control of your spending. Financial control will control your success.

Watch your finances like a hawk. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


We all are social creatures as humans. We need to socialize. But how?

Being hangout with every person you meet? Or attending every party and event come to your direction?

Definitely not. You have to select people you are hanging out. People who improves you, not hindering. People better than you, not inferiors. Successful peopl, not unsuccessful ones.

Connect them in your real life and socialize with success people in real life. Learn from them and share their experiences.

When you work alone, you need to socialize at some level. ~Jeffery Deaver


new century is the digital era of human history. Nothing in this century without digitalized. Everything we use in our day to day life is digital and connected.

But downside of digitalization is distraction. Most people distracted by the technology. They do not know the use of it anymore.

Technology is an addiction in this decade. Most people do not use the technology. People addicted to technology and it control them.

Technology is a tool. You must you it for your success. It must become your asset. Not a liability.

Use technology for you productivity , not to waste time. Be efficient using technology, not distracting you.

We live in a digital world, but we’re fairly analog creatures. ~Omar Ahmad

Success is nothing to do with what you have. It is always about what you need. Self-control is the key to have a clear path for what you need. Make sure to have it.

