Purpose of human existence

Harsh Bhatt
3 min readDec 10, 2017


  • The question of every intellectual personality…

So yeah..just imagine yourselves you are taking last breath of you life and the thought in your minds are what have i did in my life…what have i get??…what i found something new??…where i will go??….

OK…just relax…its will create too much regrets in mind right..?

So lets make it just simple..and try to find something new today…

painting by Paul Gauguin

This painting was originally created by Paul Gauguin in the middle of 1897–1898 ,it seems to be pretty old but still it’s justify the concept of human existence, where the artist tried to show that the painting should be read from right to left, with the three major figure groups illustrating the questions posed in the title. The three women with a child represent the beginning of life; the middle group symbolizes the daily existence of young adulthood; and in the final group, according to the artist, “an old woman approaching death appears reconciled and resigned to her thoughts”; at her feet, “a strange white bird…represents the futility of words.” The blue idol in the background apparently represents what Gauguin described as “the Beyond.” Of its entirety he said, “I believe that this canvas not only surpasses all my preceding ones, but that I shall never do anything better — or even like it.”

So that was a perspective of a one artist,it doesn’t mean that he was a wrong..everyone has their own view towards life so we can‘t criticize a person based on their thoughts or perspective towards his life…

so now the time is too tell what does i think that what is purpose of human existence?

Well, for me “HAPPINESS” a simple word with so much complexions..yes because people are taking happiness so differently …they think

  • You buy something, and you think that makes you happy.
  • You hook up with people, and think that makes you happy.
  • You get a well-paying job you don’t like, and think that makes you happy.
  • You go on holiday, and you think that makes you happy.

But at the end of the day, when you lying in your bed, and you think: “What’s next in this endless pursuit of happiness?”

well for me happiness doesn’t work in this way there should always be usefulness in happiness…

usefulness..yes you read it right..or either you can say creation it can be of any thing just pure Creation of something which are really useful to a world and which makes someone lives better and from that creation,usefulness when you started to get happy this is real happiness..which will be never out of your mind till the last breath of your life…your mind will always reward your self for those little things that makes others life easier just because of you….

you will never fill that i am wasting my life or i haven’t get any thing in life …your mind will always reminds you that ..you are reason of someones happiness you are useful to them…

now we have got our answers of questions right??

why we are here?

: being in help each other by

creating something new ,

explore something new always,

being useful for each other

where we will go?

: well, even i don’t know about this question’s answer because no one is come back after death to tell us what’s actually beyond life…;) but stay tuned i am exploring …and will be right back soon with this question….:)

jokes apart , but whatever you make.. make it creatively, passionately and put your 100 % on it…because that is what, will be last you forever and will be go with you ….

Thank you ,



Harsh Bhatt

game artist | motion designer |3d modeler... basically working on my own ideas..with continuesly growing my self 😉