🔍 Maximizing JVM Performance: A Comprehensive Guide to Profiling Tools and Techniques

Hazzy | springworld.xyz
5 min readMar 31, 2023


Profiling is an essential technique for identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks in software applications. Profiling allows developers to identify the code that takes the most time to execute and optimize it for better performance. In this blog post, we will explore how to profile a application and the tools that can be used for profiling.

Profiling a Java application

Profiling a application involves analyzing the application’s behavior to identify potential performance issues. The profiling process involves monitoring various aspects of the application, such as memory usage, CPU usage, and thread usage. There are two types of profiling: static profiling and dynamic profiling.

Photo by Lewis Kang'ethe Ngugi on Unsplash

Static profiling involves analyzing the application’s code without running it. Static profiling can help identify potential performance issues before the application is deployed.

Dynamic profiling involves analyzing the application while it is running. Dynamic profiling provides more detailed information about the application’s behavior.

Tools for Profiling a Application

There are several tools that can be used for profiling. These tools can be classified into two categories: commercial tools and open-source tools.

Commercial Tools

Commercial tools are paid software products that provide advanced profiling capabilities. These tools are often used in large enterprises that have complex software applications. Some of the popular commercial profiling tools are:

  1. JProfiler
  2. YourKit Java Profiler
  3. Java Mission Control
  4. VisualVM

Open-Source Tools

Open-source tools are free software products that provide basic profiling capabilities. These tools are widely used by developers for profiling applications. Some of the popular open-source profiling tools are:

  1. JVisualVM
  2. JMC (Java Mission Control)
  3. Java Flight Recorder
  4. VisualVM
  5. NetBeans profiler

Profiling Techniques for Java Applications

There are several profiling techniques that can be used for applications. Some of the popular profiling techniques are:

  1. Memory Profiling

This technique involves analyzing the application’s memory usage to identify potential memory leaks or excessive memory usage.

Memory profiling tools help developers to identify these issues by monitoring the application’s memory usage and identifying any memory leaks or excessive memory usage. By identifying these issues, developers can optimize the application’s memory usage, improve its performance, and prevent crashes.

2. CPU Profiling

CPU profiling works by sampling the CPU usage at regular intervals while the program is running. The profiler records information about the functions and code blocks that are currently running and the amount of CPU time they are using. This information can be used to identify which parts of the program are consuming the most CPU time and to optimize those sections for better performance.

CPU profiling is particularly useful for identifying performance bottlenecks in applications that are CPU-bound, such as scientific simulations or video encoding software. By using a profiler, developers can optimize their code to reduce the amount of CPU time required to perform a given task, which can improve the overall performance of the application.

This technique involves analyzing the application’s CPU usage to identify potential performance issues related to CPU usage.

3. Thread Profiling

This technique involves analyzing the application’s thread usage to identify potential issues related to thread concurrency.

Thread profiling can help developers understand how threads are interacting with each other and with system resources such as CPU and memory. This information can be used to optimize the application’s thread usage and reduce the overall execution time.

By using thread profiling tools, developers can identify which threads are taking the most time to execute and optimize them for better performance. Thread profiling can also help identify synchronization issues, where multiple threads are accessing the same data simultaneously, causing contention and reducing performance.

Let’s deep dive into how to configure profiler

Installing VisualVM

  • Download the VisualVM installer from the VisualVM project page.
  • Extract the VisualVM installer to an empty directory on your local system.

Starting VisualVM

To start VisualVM on Windows, run the visualvm.exe program that is in the \bin folder under the VisualVM install folder. On Unix or Linux use the visualvm shell script that is in the /bin folder under the VisualVM install folder. You may specify the JDK which runs VisualVM and/or user directory using command line parameters or by modifying etc\visualvm.conf file. Example command for starting VisualVM with custom JDK and userdir on Windows is:

visualvm.exe --jdkhome "C:\Software\Java\jdk1.6.0" --userdir "C:\Temp\visualvm_userdir"

Using the Applications Window

The main window of VisualVM opens when you launch the application. By default, the Applications window is displayed in the left pane of the main window. The Applications window enables you to quickly see the Java applications running on a local and remote JVMs.

The Applications window is the primary entry point for viewing further details about a particular application. Right-clicking an application node opens the popup menu where you can choose to open the main application tab or take thread or heap dumps.


Profiling is an essential technique for optimizing the performance of applications. By using profiling tools and techniques, developers can identify potential performance issues and optimize the application for better performance. In this blog post, we have discussed the various tools and techniques for profiling applications.

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Hazzy | springworld.xyz

Experienced Java developer turned blogger, passionate about sharing insights and best practices on all things Java.