🚀 5 Essential Optimizations Every Spring boot Developer Should Know!! 💨

Hazzy | springworld.xyz
7 min readApr 3, 2023


I recognize the value of having an application that is both high-performing and highly accessible.
An application’s user experience and customer satisfaction improve the faster it operates.
The Spring framework is one of the most well-liked frameworks for creating Java applications.
It is commonly used because by offering an auto configuration and removing boilerplate code, it makes the development process simpler.
Performance problems, however, can still affect Spring Boot apps.

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I’ll go through common bottlenecks and recommended techniques for improving Spring Boot performance in this article.
I’ll provide developers 5 tried-and-true tips for enhancing the functionality of their applications.

Understanding Spring Boot Performance:

Performance is a critical aspect of any application. It is the measure of how quickly an application responds to user requests in high usage . In the context of Spring Boot Application, performance is impacted by various factors such as the application’s architecture, database performance, network latency, and server resources. Therefore, it is essential to understand the factors that affect Spring Boot performance and how to optimize it.

Common Performance Bottlenecks in Spring Boot Applications

A Spring Boot application’s performance may be impacted by a number of variables. The performance of the database is one of the most frequent obstacles. The speed of the program can be greatly impacted by ineffective data retrieval techniques, slow database servers, and poorly performed queries. The network delay is an additional bottleneck. Programs that depend on third-party services may be delayed by a slow or unstable network. The wasteful use of server resources, excessive logging, and bad coding methods are further elements that might affect speed.

Best Practices for Optimizing Spring Boot Performance

Optimizing Spring Boot performance requires a systematic approach. Here are some best practices that developers can follow to optimize their Spring Boot applications:

1. Use Caching

Caching is a powerful technique that can significantly improve application performance. Spring Boot provides several caching options, including in-memory caching, distributed caching, and caching using third-party tools like Redis. By caching frequently accessed data, developers can reduce the number of database queries, which can improve application performance.

2. Minimize Database Queries

As mentioned earlier, database performance is a significant bottleneck in Spring Boot applications. To optimize database performance, developers should minimize the number of database queries. This can be achieved by using efficient data retrieval strategies, optimizing queries, and reducing the amount of data retrieved from the database.

3. Use Asynchronous Processing

Asynchronous processing is a technique that allows developers to execute tasks concurrently. This can significantly improve application performance, especially when dealing with time-consuming tasks like network requests and database queries. Spring Boot provides several options for implementing asynchronous processing, including the use of Java’s CompletableFuture API and Spring’s @Async annotation.

4. Optimize Server Resources

Optimizing server resources is critical to improving Spring Boot performance. Developers should ensure that the server has sufficient memory, CPU, and disk space. They should also ensure that the server is configured correctly, and there are no unnecessary services running.

5. Implement Logging Best Practices

Logging is an essential aspect of application development. However, excessive logging can significantly impact application performance. To optimize logging, developers should implement logging best practices, such as using the appropriate logging level, disabling logging in production environments, and using asynchronous logging.

5 battle tested Strategies for Improving API Performance

API performance is critical to the success of any application. Here are five proven strategies that developers can use to identify and improve API performance:

1. Use HTTP Caching

HTTP caching is a technique that allows developers to cache responses from external services. This can significantly improve API performance by reducing the number of requests made to the external service. Developers can use tools like Spring’s Cache-Control annotation to implement HTTP caching in their applications. or use of any CDN will greatly boost your application performance.

2. Use Asynchronous Requests

Asynchronous requests are a powerful technique for improving API performance. By executing requests concurrently (thread), developers can reduce the time it takes to retrieve data from external services. Spring Boot provides several options for implementing asynchronous requests, including the use of Java’s CompletableFuture API and Spring’s WebClient. , Use of Asynchronous Requests will not work with database related logic

3. Optimize Requests

Optimizing requests is critical to improving API performance. Developers should minimize the number of requests made to external services, reduce the amount of data retrieved, and use efficient data retrieval strategies. However optimizing API request is not an option for every case in such case use @Async annotation or identify bottle neck of internal business logic might helpful

4. Implement Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are a powerful technique for improving API performance. They allow developers to handle failures gracefully by providing fallback options when an external service is unavailable. Spring Boot provides several options for implementing circuit breakers, including the use of Netflix’s Hystrix library.

5. Use Reactive Programming

Reactive programming is a technique that allows developers to build non blocking and responsive web applications. It is especially useful when dealing with API requests that involve time-consuming tasks and blocking I/O application . Spring Boot provides several options for implementing reactive programming and integration, including the use of Spring’s Reactive Web and Reactive MongoDB.

Scaling Spring Boot Applications for Optimal Performance

Scaling is an essential aspect of optimizing Spring Boot performance. It involves increasing the application’s capacity to handle more users and requests. Spring Boot provides several options for scaling applications, including horizontal scaling and vertical scaling.

Horizontal scaling involves adding more instances of the application to handle more requests. It is achieved by deploying the application on multiple servers and using a load balancer to distribute requests across the instances. Vertical scaling, on the other hand, involves increasing the resources of the server on which the application is deployed. It can be achieved by adding more memory, CPU, and disk space to the server.

Monitoring and Measuring Spring Boot Performance

Monitoring and measuring Spring Boot performance is critical to optimizing it. It involves tracking the application’s response times, resource utilization, and other performance metrics. Spring Boot provides several tools for monitoring and measuring performance, including Spring Boot Actuator and Micrometer.

Spring Boot Actuator is a powerful tool that provides various endpoints for monitoring application performance. It provides metrics for request processing times, memory usage, and CPU utilization. Micrometer is a metrics collection library that can be used with Spring Boot Actuator to collect and expose custom metrics.

Tools to improve Spring Boot Performance:

Optimizing Spring Boot performance can be done with multiple tools . Here are we are showcasing few tool that developers can use to identify and optimize their Spring Boot applications with ease :

1. VisualVM

VisualVM is a powerful tool for monitoring and profiling Java applications. It provides various features for analyzing performance, including CPU profiling, memory profiling, and thread analysis.

2. JMeter

JMeter is a popular tool for load testing web applications. It can be used to simulate multiple users and requests, allowing developers to identify performance bottlenecks and also shares great insight on API performance, plus Jmeter is open source.


3. Spring Boot Admin

Spring Boot Admin interface is a tool for monitoring and managing Spring Boot applications. It provides various features for monitoring performance, including metrics visualization and log analysis. plus it is out of the box and production ready interface

Benefits of Implementing Spring Boot Best Practices

Implementing Spring Boot best practices can provide several benefits, including:

  • Improved application performance
  • Reduced server resource utilization
  • Reduced database load
  • Improved user experience
  • Improved application scalability
  • Improved application maintainability


Optimizing Spring Boot performance is critical to delivering high-performance applications. By following best practices and using proven strategies, developers can significantly improve their application’s performance. Caching, minimizing database queries, using asynchronous processing, optimizing server resources, and implementing logging best practices are some of the best practices that developers can follow to optimize Spring Boot performance. Implementing circuit breakers, using HTTP caching, optimizing requests, using asynchronous requests, and using reactive programming are some of the proven strategies that developers can use to improve API performance. By leveraging caching, scaling applications, monitoring and measuring performance, and using tools like VisualVM, JMeter, and Spring Boot Admin, developers can optimize Spring Boot performance and deliver high-performance applications.

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Hazzy | springworld.xyz

Experienced Java developer turned blogger, passionate about sharing insights and best practices on all things Java.