Top 10 Habits that I’ve Learned from Senior software Engineers

Hazzy |
3 min readMar 15, 2023


  1. Have a Growth Mindset

The first habit is having a growth mindset. This means that you always strive to learn something new, stay up-to-date with industry trends and stay open to feedback. It also means asking questions when you don’t understand something and seeking help when needed.

2. Have a Systematic Approach
You need to have a systematic approach to problem-solving. This means breaking down tasks into smaller pieces and being organized so that you can plan ahead of time.

3. Be Detail-Oriented

The third habit of senior developers is to be detail-oriented.
This means paying attention to the small details, double-checking your work, and striving for accuracy. This will help you avoid mistakes and bugs in your code, which can lead to headaches later on down the road when it comes time for maintenance or refactoring.

4. Take Ownership of Your Work
The best developers are the ones who take ownership of their work. They’re accountable for their mistakes and strive to meet deadlines, even if it means pulling all-nighters or working through lunch breaks. If you’re not willing to do what’s necessary to get the job done right, then maybe coding isn’t for you after all!

5. Communicate Effectively
As a senior developer, you’re going to be working with other people. You will need to communicate your ideas and suggestions effectively so that others can understand what you are saying. This means being a good listener and providing constructive feedback when necessary. It also means articulating your thoughts clearly so that others know exactly what is on your mind or what needs to happen next in order for the project to move forward smoothly.

6. Be Proactive
As a senior developer, you should be proactive in your work and anticipate problems before they occur. This will help you prevent issues from happening and allow you to take action when something goes wrong. You should also be open to new ideas that may improve the efficiency of your team or company, even if it means changing some of your own habits or processes.

7. Be Adaptable
Senior developers are flexible and willing to learn new technologies, adjust to changing requirements and handle unexpected issues. They’re also not afraid of making mistakes or asking questions when they don’t understand something.

8. Have a Positive Attitude

As a senior developer, you have to be enthusiastic about your work and maintain a positive outlook on life. You also need to foster an environment where your team members can collaborate with each other in order to get things done effectively.

9. Show Leadership

As you become more experienced in your field, it’s important to take on a leadership role and mentor others. You have the knowledge and experience needed to help them reach their full potential as developers. If you don’t show leadership, then no one else will step up either!
You can also be a leader by taking charge when needed: if there is an issue with code quality or architecture that needs addressing immediately, don’t hesitate!

10. Have a Passion for Development

If you’re a senior developer, it’s likely that you’ve been in the industry for quite some time. You’ve seen many different technologies come and go and new trends emerge. It can be difficult to stay motivated when there are so many things that can distract us from our work — even when we love what we do!

To stay engaged as a senior developer, it is important to take pride in your code and strive for high-quality output. It is also important that you have a genuine interest in software development: if this isn’t something that excites or motivates you anymore, then maybe it’s time for a change.

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Hazzy |

Experienced Java developer turned blogger, passionate about sharing insights and best practices on all things Java.