Difference between core stack (Java & kotlin) and Flutter

Harshil Suthar
3 min readMay 21, 2024


The differences between app development using core stacks like Java and Kotlin versus using Flutter are significant in terms of language, development approach, and the capabilities offered. Here’s a detailed comparison:

1. Language and Framework

Java and Kotlin:

  • Language: Java has been a staple for Android development for years. Kotlin, introduced as an official language for Android by Google in 2017, is more modern and concise.
  • Framework: Android SDK is used with Java and Kotlin to develop native Android apps.
  • Platform: Primarily for Android, though Java can be used for other types of development as well.


  • Language: Dart, a language created by Google.
  • Framework: Flutter SDK provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets and tools.
  • Platform: Cross-platform (Android, iOS, web, and desktop).

2. Development Approach

Java and Kotlin:

  • Native Development: Directly interacts with Android OS features and APIs.
  • Performance: High, since the apps are compiled to native code specific to Android.
  • Tools: Android Studio is the primary IDE, with powerful debugging and profiling tools.
  • Learning Curve: Easier for developers familiar with Java or other object-oriented languages.


  • Cross-Platform Development: Write once, run anywhere. A single codebase for multiple platforms.
  • Performance: Very close to native performance due to Flutter’s engine compiling to native ARM code.
  • Tools: Flutter plugins for Visual Studio Code and Android Studio, with Hot Reload feature for real-time updates.
  • Learning Curve: Requires learning Dart and understanding Flutter’s widget-based architecture.

3. UI Development

Java and Kotlin:

  • UI Components: Use XML for defining UI layouts. Offers extensive customization but can be verbose.
  • Look and Feel: Consistent with native Android design guidelines, leveraging Material Design components.
  • Flexibility: High flexibility with direct access to Android UI elements and themes.


  • UI Components: Uses a rich set of pre-designed widgets. Widgets are highly customizable and composable.
  • Look and Feel: Can mimic both Android and iOS design guidelines, providing a native-like experience on both platforms.
  • Flexibility: Offers a more dynamic and flexible UI development process with its widget-centric approach.

4. Ecosystem and Libraries

Java and Kotlin:

  • Mature Ecosystem: Extensive libraries and frameworks available. Long history of community support.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Strong support for integrating various third-party services and SDKs.


  • Growing Ecosystem: Rapidly growing community with an increasing number of plugins and packages.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Many plugins available, though not as extensive as Java/Kotlin ecosystem. The community is actively contributing to bridge this gap.

5. Build and Deployment

Java and Kotlin:

  • Build System: Gradle is used for managing dependencies and build processes.
  • Deployment: Direct deployment to Google Play Store. Tools available for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD).


  • Build System: Flutter’s build tools manage dependencies and build processes for multiple platforms.
  • Deployment: Can deploy to both Google Play Store and Apple App Store from a single codebase. CI/CD tools like Codemagic streamline the process.

6. Performance and Optimization

Java and Kotlin:

  • Performance: Typically higher performance due to native compilation. Better for resource-intensive applications.
  • Optimization: Fine-tuning performance with tools like Android Profiler.


  • Performance: Near-native performance thanks to the Dart VM and Flutter’s rendering engine.
  • Optimization: Tools like Flutter DevTools help in profiling and debugging.

7. Community and Support

Java and Kotlin:

  • Community: Large, well-established community with extensive resources, tutorials, and forums.
  • Support: Comprehensive support from Google and various open-source contributors.


  • Community: Rapidly growing community with strong support from Google.
  • Support: Increasing resources, tutorials, and third-party contributions. Active engagement in forums and developer events.


Choosing between core stacks like Java/Kotlin and Flutter depends on your project requirements, target platforms, and developer experience. Java and Kotlin are ideal for native Android development, offering high performance and extensive ecosystem support. Flutter is perfect for cross-platform development, enabling a single codebase for multiple platforms with near-native performance and a modern development experience.

For businesses aiming to reach both iOS and Android users with a consistent UI and fewer resources, Flutter is often the better choice. For applications needing deep integration with Android or requiring high performance, native development with Java or Kotlin remains a strong option.

