Video Production- A glimpse into the technique

2 min readJul 27, 2021

In the rapidly evolving world, which is reaching new heights of technical superiorities in every new world, one can see the birth of new tools to make your boring world creative and interesting. We, being a video production company, tend to bring out one of those exciting aspects of technology into the light.

Video Production refers to the very process of producing videos as content for the digital market, i.e., television, home video, or the internet. It is somewhat equivalent to film making but what differs here is video recorded either as analog signals on videotape, digitally in the videotape, or as computer files stored on optical discs, hard drives, SSDs, magnetic tape, or memory cards instead of film stock. There are three intermediate stages in video production:-

· Pre-production

· Principal production

· Post-production

Pre-production involves all of the planning aspects of the video production process before filming begins. This includes scriptwriting, scheduling, logistics, and other administrative duties. Well, this is the most crucial stage of the whole event to be taken place. As per the saying, “Well beginning is half done.”, the work becomes easier when the lot has completed their task properly and with the responsible management. A good script and well-maintained logistics not only help the director to lead the idea in the most efficient way, but it also contributes massively to the whole production, being the central idea of the lot.

Principal production is the phase of video production that captures the video content magnificently (Electronic moving images) and involves filming the subjects of the video separately. This doesn’t mean to film the whole story in a single go, but it takes tens and hundreds of shots to get the most eye-catchy shot. Also, it may require a change in the locations of the subject to provide the most connective idea of the original thought and to get the perfect and ideal shot one can imagine. Filming is done at various locations, with different subjects and at different times to be later selected the most suitable ones. After the principal production is done, it doesn’t mean that the process is complete, and Woah! We are ready to get released, instead, there is still much more to it in addition to filming, which consists of Post Production.

Post-production is the action of selectively combining those video clips through video editing — removing the inappropriate raw parts, editing the mismatched parts, and combining the discreet parts. And finally obtaining a finished product that tells a story or communicates a message in either a live event setting (live production) or after an event has occurred.

Thus, video production is the consequence of a well-bonded team, responsible components, and a united up-to-date technology.

Note: The content of this blog is subjected to the official website of Artbeat Entertainment Pvt Ltd.

