My LFX Mentorship Journey with CNCF-Buildpacks

Harshita Kanal
3 min readDec 8, 2021


How Cloud Native Buildpacks work — Transforming source code into runnable images

It all started in the Fall of 2021 when I was searching for internships, contributing to open source is something I am really passionate about, being a part of an amazing community and learning from amazing developers is on its own extremely rewarding ✨.

I applied for the LFX Mentorship program under the “Web redesign of Feature Comparison project” with CNCF Buildpacks. The process involved submitting a proposal and a resume on the LFX Portal.

Cloud Native Buildpacks is a specification and set of tools that help you take source code and convert them into OCI images. They examine your source code, build it, and create a container image with all the required dependencies to run your application. The project involved redesigning the features page on the website and adding a way to compare alternative tools in the form of 1 on 1 comparisons.

Cloud Native Buildpacks

The project started with an introductory call with my mentor Javier Romero, where we discussed the specific requirements of the project and expectations from the mentorship.

To kickstart the project, I started researching on buildpacks and alternative build tools, some of which include Dockerfiles, Source to Image, Jib, etc., built applications using the same and explored situations when one tool works better than the other, caveats and trade-offs in using the tools and documented the same, eventually wrote blogs exploring Cloud Native buildpacks, Source to Image and Dockerfiles as tools.

The next part of the project involved designing wireframes for the page, after exploring ways to present the information that can help the users, better understand the tools, we came up and finalized a design with the help of the community and wireframed it in Figma.

At the side I also contributed to solving issues like modifying the make file to support installation of dependencies by detecting the OS and documenting the Features.

Eventually we started with the implementation of the design, it was done in JavaScript, HTML, CSS for the website built upon Hugo. At every point the community was extremely supportive 💙

Following are a few of my PRs 😁

I am deeply grateful to my mentor and the LFX Team for such an amazing opportunity!



Harshita Kanal

A Computer Science Undergraduate and a passionate learner :)