Practical Applications of Shapely in Data Science

Harshita Aswani
2 min readAug 29, 2023


In the field of data science, understanding and analyzing spatial data is crucial in various domains such as transportation, urban planning, environmental sciences, and location-based services. Shapely, a Python library, provides powerful tools for spatial analysis, geometric operations, and geospatial data processing. In this blog post, we will explore the practical applications of Shapely in data science and showcase its capabilities through code examples.

Geometric Operations on Geospatial Data

Shapely allows data scientists to perform a wide range of geometric operations on geospatial data. These operations include calculating distances, areas, intersections, unions, and buffers. Let’s look at an example:

from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

# Create a point object
point = Point(2, 3)

# Create a polygon object
polygon = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0)])

# Calculate the distance between the point and the polygon
distance = point.distance(polygon)

# Calculate the area of the polygon
area = polygon.area

# Calculate the intersection of the point and the polygon
intersection = point.intersection(polygon)

# Create a buffer around the polygon
buffered_polygon = polygon.buffer(2.5)

In this example, we create a point object and a polygon object using Shapely’s Point() and Polygon() classes, respectively. We can then perform geometric operations on these objects, such as calculating the distance between the point and the polygon, the area of the polygon, finding their intersection, and creating a buffer around the polygon. These operations are fundamental for spatial analysis and can provide valuable insights into the relationships between different spatial features.

Spatial Relationships and Analysis

Shapely provides methods to analyze spatial relationships between geometric objects. These methods help data scientists answer questions such as whether two objects intersect, contain each other, or are adjacent. Let’s see an example:

from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

# Create a point object
point = Point(1, 1)

# Create a polygon object
polygon = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 3), (4, 4), (4, 0)])

# Check if the point is inside the polygon
is_inside = point.within(polygon)

# Check if the polygon contains the point
contains_point = polygon.contains(point)

# Check if the polygon and the point intersect
intersects = polygon.intersects(point)

In this example, we create a point object and a polygon object using Shapely. We use methods such as within(), contains(), and intersects() to analyze the spatial relationship between the point and the polygon. These methods help determine if the point is inside the polygon, if the polygon contains the point, or if they intersect. Understanding spatial relationships is crucial for tasks such as spatial clustering, proximity analysis, and identifying spatial dependencies.

Geospatial Data Processing

Shapely is often used in conjunction with other geospatial libraries, such as GeoPandas and Fiona, to process and analyze geospatial data. It enables data scientists to read, write, and manipulate geometric objects and spatial datasets. With Shapely, you can perform tasks like spatial joins, geometry simplification, coordinate transformations, and more.

Shapely is a powerful library that brings spatial analysis capabilities to data science projects. In this blog post, we explored the practical applications of Shapely in data science, focusing on geometric operations, spatial relationships, and geospatial data processing.

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Harshita Aswani

Passionate about unlocking insights from data through advanced analytics. Constantly learning and leveraging technology to solve real-world problems.