Six Ways to Live Minimalist Lifestyle

Harshita Chopra
3 min readJun 11, 2019


In regular bustles of life, people have forgotten about how to stay happy. The messy lifestyle has not left any choice for them to live life to the fullest. But you can surely do so! A minimalist lifestyle is not tough to live. If you have decided to declutter unnecessary things from your life, then the door of gaiety is surely not far. Saint Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has provided some proven ways that will help you live a minimalist lifestyle.

Just go through the ways:

1. Work on Your Focus

What are your priorities in life? In life’s humdrum, people often forget about their interests and goals and get diverted from their focus. So, it’s the right time to work on your priorities and get a feel of satisfaction.

As per Baba Ram Rahim, if you focus on your goal along with meditation, then you can certainly achieve it as well. Yes, you might face adversities, but you will surely be able to tackle those situations in the finest way with concentration and meditation.

2. Manage Your Time

What do you prefer? Your family or invaluable things like watching TV? Well, most people waste their time on low-value activities and repent later.

It’s better to manage your time to spend it more on your goal and family. Besides giving time to your family, if you do some humanitarian chores weekly then also you can attain deep relief and satisfaction in mind which can’t be brought from outside at any cost.

So, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan addresses the masses to manage your time in a way to give proper time to your family as well as to selfless services weekly or monthly as you have decided.

3. Motivation All Around

Make sure you are safe from negative people. Make union with motivated people to develop the right attitude and feel motivated to tread ahead on the path of minimalist living.

As per Guruji, negative people have great bearing on your life and life’s decision. If your company is not right then chances are more that you will not feel the pleasure at a moment’s notice.

So, change your company first. Be surrounded by good people and if you get the company of spiritual people or disciples then surely you will feel the delight of a minimalist lifestyle.

4. Earn Experience

Invest your time in earning experience instead of garnering special attention from your peer group. Start taking classes of your choice or work on your interest area like, try kayaking if you love being adventurous not just to captivate their attention, but to gain experience in your preferred area.

Especially when you are going to start your new venture, don’t just dip your toes into if you don’t have any experience about that business. Saint MSG addresses the masses to first gain some experience and only then start your business, this would help you a ton.

5. Clear Out the Debts

Debts can trouble you for sure. It’s best to either not to take it ever or if you have taken, then pay it back soon. Once you have done it then start organizing your money in the right way by investing in various securities.

Guruji tells that debts always burden you and you don’t feel light to feel the happiness around you if you are under debts. So try to clear it up and help needy whenever possible. When you think about them, then God will never let you feel down at any moment.

6. Donate Extra Material

Everyone is brimmed of extra unusable material which is not used by them in their routine. Just check the house properly, and find old clothes, toys, unworthy books, old crockery, bedsheets and everything that you don’t use. Now, donate it!

As per Saint MSG, by doing so, you will get double benefits. One is you will declutter your house and live minimalist and the second one is, you can bag tremendous blessings in your life by donating things to poor.

So, do you find these ways, interesting? Well, minimalist lifestyle might have numerous benefits which you can surely enjoy and if you do meditation along with that then these benefits get multiplied invariably.

Follow these tips by Saint Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim and enjoy life to the fullest.

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