2 min readNov 23, 2022

We , Indians express their pride when it comes to cultural diversity, religious beliefs but when it comes to reality we enact as deaf and blind . In case , you read newspaper on any random day then you will observe that our newspapers are filled with horrifying events of rapes around the country and the worst part is the people’s reaction that is “ Government is not doing any work on this “ or “ This country can never improve “ . According to a survey conducted in North America and Europe , female travellers do not want to travel in following countries which are :

1. South Africa
2. Botswana
3. India
4. Iran
5. Ghana
6. Egypt

The reason why women are afraid to come to India because as of year 2020 , number of rapes in India per 100,000 citizens is 22,172 with rape incidents of 1.80 rape rate . In addtion to it , on an average 87 rape cases are recorded on a daily basis . Now comes the shocking part that this is “ official “ data , no ones about those cases who never got recorded due to family pressure and many other factors .

There is no specific reason why rapes are increasing but in my opinion , it is because of ridiculous law enforcement system by the government which encourages people to commit this crime . To justify my point of view , I want to take you to 16 December 2012 , a woman named Jyoti Singh { aka Nirbhaya } was gang — raped , tortured , beaten by four adults in a private bus . The whole nation stood together to get justice for victim . She died on 29 December due to brain damage , pneumonia and abdominal infection and the segment that outrages me is the fact that it took 8 f***ing years to declare those devils as guilty. They got executed on 20 March 2020 which is a sheer shame because her parents had to wait for justice for such a long , tensious period and the harsh reality is that nearly 24 more rapes than usual were committed when this case was at it’s peak attention for which I have no words at all .

Now back in present , this problem is still there and sorry to say it has formed a horrendous form so as to stop it we need to inculcate the mutual respect towards women in our future generations and for now , we need severe reboot to our system because this terrible judgements and system has acted as a boost to such creatures that they do not feel feared anything at all . Hence it is our duty to “kill “ their inner demon by creating that fear factor or as a citizen of humanity help every victim of this crime by every way possible . Hoping we can create a better environment for our better halfs [ sisters , mothers , wives, friends ] .




A geek who wants to spread colors through his ideas and thoughts.......