The Origins of Sanatan Dharm: A Journey Through Time

Harshit Singh
2 min readOct 27, 2023


The question of when Sanatan Dharma, often referred to as Hinduism, originated is a complex and intriguing one. Unlike many other religions, it doesn’t have a single founder or a specific moment of inception. Instead, its origins are deeply rooted in the antiquity of the Indian subcontinent, making it one of the world’s oldest spiritual and cultural traditions.

The concept of Sanatan Dharma can be traced back thousands of years, and its roots are intertwined with the evolution of human civilization in the Indian subcontinent. While it’s challenging to pinpoint an exact date of origin, scholars often refer to it as one of the “eternal” or “timeless” traditions.

The earliest sacred texts associated with Sanatan Dharma are the Vedas. These ancient scriptures, which include the Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda, are believed to have been composed over a period of several centuries, beginning around 1500 BCE. The Vedas contain hymns, rituals, and philosophical insights, forming the foundation of Hindu thought.

As time passed, other key texts, such as the Upanishads and the Mahabharata, including the Bhagavad Gita, were composed, enriching and expanding the philosophical and spiritual dimensions of Sanatan Dharma.

It’s important to note that Sanatan Dharma is not a static tradition but has continuously evolved over the millennia. It has absorbed influences from various regions and cultures and has given rise to a multitude of sects, schools of thought, and practices. Its adaptability and inclusiveness are hallmarks of its enduring relevance.

In summary, the origins of Sanatan Dharma are deeply rooted in the mists of time, making it a tradition that has evolved and thrived for thousands of years. While scholars can provide approximate dates for the composition of its sacred texts, the true essence of Sanatan Dharma lies in its timeless wisdom and its ability to resonate with people across cultures and generations. It continues to be a source of inspiration and spiritual exploration for millions of individuals worldwide.

