A fast introduction to Robotics (v 2.0)

Harsh Maithani
6 min readMay 18, 2020


This article is mainly intended to provide a resource list for those who
a) are enthusiastic to know something about the field of robotics or want to get into it and
b) don’t know where to start or
c) don’t know which sources of information are authentic because there is just too much out there on the internet.

Online resources

  1. EU Robotics : Subscribe to the mailing list for deadlines / workshops / jobs / PhD calls / Post-docs
  2. Robotics Worldwide : Subscribe to the mailing list for deadlines / workshops / jobs / PhD calls / Post-docs
  3. Euraxess : Research openings in robotics in Europe
  4. Academic Positions : Careers in robotics
  5. Masters Portal : To search for masters in robotics
  6. Phd portal : To search for PhD openings in robotics
  7. AI for Robotics : Subscribe to google group on AI in Robotics

To find papers -

  1. Contact the first author
  2. Laboratory websites
  3. Google Scholar

To find codes -

  1. Contact the first author
  2. paperswithcode.com

Others -

1.The Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC) — is an international robotics competition, to be held every two years with total prize and team sponsorship of USD 5 Million.


  3. R:SS
  4. IEEE Conference on Systems,Man and Cybernetics
  5. IEEE Humanoids
  7. RO-MAN
  8. CASE


  1. International Journal on Robotics Research
  2. IEEE Transactions on Robotics
  3. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  4. Robotics and Autonomous Systems
  5. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)

References — Basics

  1. Control Theory / Probability / Programming
  2. Basic understanding

3. Control Theory — Modern Control by Ogata

4. YouTube channel Control Bootcamp by Steve Brunton

5. Code repository Github

6. Tools — Stack Exchange

References — Robotics

1.Basic understanding — Robotics, Vision and Control 2e by Peter Corke

2. Theory

3. Notes — Robotics Notes by Motoji Yamamoto

4. Mathematics — Robotics, Vision and Control 2e by Peter Corke

5. Online course

6. University course

7. Ready to eat examples — Robotics, Vision and Control 2e by Peter Corke

8. Getting started immediately — Peter Corke Toolbox + Matlab

9. Books

10. Other curated lists


  1. Visualization of Frames — Peter Corke Toolbox
  2. Roll-pitch-yaw visualization — Peter Corke Toolbox
  3. DH parameters visualization — Peter Corke Toolbox
  4. Jacobian calculation — Symoro
  5. Robot simulators

6. 3D CAD Modeling Software

  • SolidWorks
  • FreeCAD
  • TinkerCAD

7. Dynamics Modeling

  • MATLAB Simscape Multibody

8. Visualization Tools

  • GNU Plot C++ for graphs
  • Plot Juggler -ROS Topics
  • rqt_plot — ROS Topics
  • RVIZ
  • Xmind — Mind maps
  • draw.io — Online diagrams
  • Microsoft One Note
  • Tikz — curated list
  • Python Matplotlib — graphs

References — ROS (Robot Operating System)

  1. Basic understanding — ROS.org

2. YouTube channels

3. Online course

4. Ready to eat examples

5. Getting started immediately — MATLAB Robotics Toolbox

6. Books

7. ROS jobs — The construct sim ros-jobs

References — Navigation

  1. Basic understanding — Robotics, Vision and Control 2e by Peter Corke

2. Theory — Refer to the books below

3. YouTube channels

4. Online course

5. Ready to eat examples — Robotics, Vision and Control 2e by Peter Corke

6. Getting started immediately — Peter Corke Robotics Toolbox + Matlab

7. Books

8. Tools

9. Others

References — Machine Learning

  1. Mathematics

2. YouTube channels

3. Online course

4. Professionals

5. Books

6. Getting started immediately

6. LinkedIn

  • Steve Nouri
  • Brandon Rohrer
  • Vincent Boucher

7. Other curated resources

References — Reinforcement Learning

  1. Mathematics
  • Book — Reinforcement Learning by Richard Sutton
  • Book — Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning
  • Book — Reinforcement Learning-An Introduction
  • Book — Reinforcement Learning-Marco Wiering

2. YouTube channels

3. Online course

4. Ready to eat examples

  • Hands-on reinforcement learning with Python — Sudharsan Ravichandran
  • Reinforcement Learning Python — Abhishek Nandy
  • RL Toolbox — MATLAB

5. Getting started immediately

  • Book-Reinforcement Learning
  • Book-RL with Python
  • Book-Practical RL

6. Tools

7. Seminars

PhD awards

  1. European Young Researchers Award
  2. Georges Giralt Phd Thesis Award
  3. Award by Clermont Ferrand
  4. Award by GDR Robotique

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