This blog is a diary of sorts to remind myself that everything I'm going through has a reason. Everything I'm going through will make sense. There may be days when I feel like I'm lost again.

But reading this and listening to my podcast, will remind me that I am not alone. Life is bigger than what we think it is in our heads. We keep trying to find ourself but who are we?

Are we someone who needs to be found? Or are we someone we build and create?

There will be moments you feel lonely, moments where you lose your self respect and moments where you break all the rules.And when they do come, you will have to be able to help yourself to get up and move on.

Self help is the best form of help!

If you join me in my journey, I hope you find something that resonates with you. Every article in my blog will be based on something I see, something I feel, something my friends are going through, or something that I believe the younger generation needs to be consious about.

My podcast, Within 5 Minutes, is always a work in progress and I hope you can tune in someday -

 If you want to reach out to me for any feedback, you can find me on my Instagram @hacchuu 


Harsh Patel

Harsh Patel

24 and figuring life out, one day at a time | I run a podcast, Ctrl Alt Grow, bringing my words to life.