Tools We Use for Web3.0 Development

2 min readApr 17, 2023


Sara Technologies Inc. is an amazing web 3.0 development company. We have huge skilled blockchain developers who possess advanced technical knowledge in offering superior services. Our developers offer customized services per your business’s requirements and develop advanced 3.0 applications to enhance the revenue and customer base. With our Web 3.0 solution, users can make their websites more efficient. As a business owner, choosing Web 3.0 is the wisest decision because it makes your business safer. Our skilled developers follow a step-by-step development process and some advanced tools to develop this amazing digital platform:

Web 3.0 Development — STI
Web 3.0 Development — STI
  • Visual Studio:

This is the best tool because it empowers our developers to complete the development cycle in one place. It supports Linux, macOS, and Windows and is packed with prominent features like auto-indentation and bracket matching. Syntax highlighting, box selection, snippets, and more. This tool benefits our team in various ways.

  • React and Next.js:

React and Next are both excellent development frameworks that make it straightforward for a developer to get initiated with developing applications. These tools are incorporated with configured files and packaged devices that reduce the efforts of a developer to write the code.

  • Hardhat:

Hardhat is incorporated with the hardhat network, which is the local node network of Ethereum. It enables the developer to deploy the contracts, debug your code, and run your tests, all within the confines of your local machine. It makes debugging your contract easier.

  • Node and npm:

To manage the packages appropriately and develop seamlessly in web3, Node, and npm are essential. NPM is the crucial manager of a package to download and update the essential packages for the ecosystem of Node.js.

  • Alchemy:

Alchemy offers several services like Webhooks, RPC nodes, Token API, Trace API, and NFT API. These advanced APIs make it very easy for the user to build in Web3 at an affordable cost.

  • Ether.js:

This is a readily available tool, and developers can execute smart contracts, deploy the contracts and send Ethereum via Ether.js. Developers mainly use this tool to interact with the Ethereum testnets and Ethereum main net through code.

Other Services We Offer:

Non-Fungible Token Development Services

Web3 Game Development Company

NFT Game Development Services

Metaverse Game Development Services

