Stress Management lesson

2 min readAug 10, 2022


A lady in stress

So, Nowadays people are becoming more part of a rat race, just grabbing one after other good opportunities,

But do they have mental health with a good work balance?

Some might say yes, and most might say no, the reason is simple, Rat race.

Rat race here means not only corporate jobs but also comparing your life journey with others, and being nervous about not achieving what they have achieved.

In Simple words, just to live or keep up with society, what they do, I also need to do it, thus become toxicity and failure causes mind health fucked up.

I know Upgradation is important, whether it’s a personal or professional life but being calm and going in your own pace is important, being competitive is also good but rather competing from other compare from yourself.

People nowadays suffer from brain stroke, fatigue, chest pain, muscle pain and many more effects, all are because of over stress or over thinking. Which causes health issues and also effects your life.

Things you can do is,
In Personal Life: updating lifestyle (reading books, spending time in gardening)or maintaining body fitness(gym or yoga or meditation ) or upgrading knowledge(learning new skills),

Professional life: changing job (where work environment is friendly) or going for some side hustle (what you love to do)or taking a break (holidays or vacations).

And yes, it’s high time to look into personal mind peace, since stress has overpowered or we can say competency has been all over mind.
Being Happy where you are is a great power to help yourself in achieving the things rather than competition overthinking.

Always remember, Health is wealth (which everyone forgets every one or other day).

Practices to do,

In morning:
- Doing walk, or meditation,
- Prayers
- Never skip your Breakfast (unless fasting)
- and then break down the task (office work)

In night:
- Remembering good things (small to small things which brings smile)
- Talking with one of your friend
- Taking a night walk (after dinner)
- Good sleep.

Note: This is what I do, but you can add your points as well to help or improvise it.

Mental Health awareness by Freepik
Happy Mind by

And the End it is all about Our Happiness and Health

If you want to talk about it, you can freely ping me on my Linkedin or Instagram. Till then Stay happy and always laugh.

