Matter of Time

Harshul Gupta
3 min readJul 10, 2018

Carl Sagan believed “Every one of us is in the cosmic perspective precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live in a hundred billion Galaxies, you will not find another.” So do I.

Obliviously we take ourselves too seriously. Not realizing we are born of the cosmic dust, the elements which came out of a dying star probably millions or even billions of years ago. We are orbiting an average star which in turn orbits around the centre of our galaxy with millions of others. Still we give our emotions the uttermost value.

Entangled in our problems we forget the Reality that lies far beyond Space and Time.

Let us take Sagan’s perspective into account. It’s been around 3.8 billion years since our ancestral organics came into existence. Some 5 billion years from now after our sun runs out of fuel and our “home planet is burned to crisp or even swallowed by helium giant. There will be other realms and worlds and stars and galaxies coming into being and they will know nothing of a place once called Earth.”

Every form we see today shall perish with time. It’s funny to say what we believe to exist, once occupied the size of a mystic pea pearl in majestic and marvellous arena what we now call Space.

Throughout the whole Cradle of Civilization Ancient terrestrials believed in a supreme theory which proclaimed the existence of a sacred power which lied deep within the cosmos and served as a source of energy for the millions and millions of years of its own existence.

I strongly beg to differ. There’s no need to acknowledge the existence of an obscure supernatural creator and blame him for every misdeed or crediting him for our fruit bearing efforts.

What we can’t explain now might seem as certain to us one day as the facts we call universal.

What is wrong and what is right, what is noble and what is evil is just relative. Things like ethics didn’t exist before the existence of sapiens.

At some Moment of time we might meet somebody or loose somebody, witness our greatest success or bear the greatest loss, feel to be on cloud nine or feel low. Just admire the melody of universe.

It has travelled so far and so long in time to bring us to this particular moment. Whole of Cosmos awaited for billions of years to witness this moment. And eventually shall take us pass through this moment. Whether hate it or greet it, enjoy it or curse it, just live it and love it because what waits in the womb of time is another moment.

Everything which may or may not make sense is unique among trillions of heavenly objects in space and one must feel gladden to be a spectator.

What I wrote and what you read were just words which don’t make any sense in cosmos which in turn is not obliged to make sense to us.

At some point in space at some point of time this whole of existence, me, you, our dreams and aspirations and what you perceive shall perish… its just a Matter of Time.

-Harshul Gupta



Harshul Gupta

You can't leave footprints in the sands of time while sitting down.