Estimation of excess suicides due to covid-19 lockdowns

2 min readApr 30, 2020


Plenty of work have been done trying to estimate the number of deaths from covid-19 in different scenarii. However little has been done to estimate the number of suicides due to the lockdowns.

Earlier covid-19 death models may have erred too far on the side of caution. On March 16th, the Imperial College published a paper estimating the US deaths due to covid-19 to be 2.2M. [1] This study and others have triggered a series of lockdowns across the nation. As of today, April 29th, CDC forecasts “only” 72k deaths due to covid-19. [2] As 47k people die from committing suicide every year in the US [3], the rise of number of suicides due to covid-19 lockdowns should become a major concern.

Covid-19 lockdowns can and will trigger more suicides for various reasons but we will focus on the two main ones:
- Unemployment due to the covid-19 recession
- Isolation due to the covid-19 lockdowns

During the Great Depression, suicide rates increased by 22.8%. [4] Indeed, being unemployed has been found to increase the odds of committing suicide by 246% to 263% varying on gender and age. [5] Covid-19 job losses are expected to reach 47M people. [6] This alone will translate to an additional 9.6k to 10.7k suicides just in 2020. [10]

Moreover social isolation is as deadly as unemployment. Being strictly isolated raise all causes of mortality by 60% to 134%. [7] With 85% of the US population under stay-at-home order [8], depending if the lockdowns are 3 months long or up to next year, and 36.48% of the population living alone in 2019 [9], this will translate to another 2.2k to 20.1k additional suicides in 2020. [10]

In total in 2020, we should expect between 11.9k to 30.8k additional suicides just due to covid-19 lockdowns in the United States.





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