True Passion Comes From Within

Grayson Hart
7 min readNov 11, 2016

Have you ever strived and strived for your perfect job our house or relationship or some other circumstance feeling that you can’t wait to live out this circumstance that is your “true passion”?

This is the case for many of us. It is good to figure out right now that your passion does not arise from an external circumstance.

True Passion can only ever be found within.

Cant find your Passion?

We feel passionate when our mood is elevated; passionless when our mood is deflated.

When you lack drive or enthusiasm , don’t look to your life or current house or job etc for the why. One of the greatest things we can ever learn is that our perception of life starts from within. Young children are amazingly passionate about everything because they don’t yet have distorted ideas that outward circumstances are what creates this passion. Clarity of mind and consciousness is their normal state. Therefore children take everything in their stride they overcome things naturally, they don’t over think everything.

We got taught that we have to live a particular lifestyle that we are passionate about our have our dream job to be passionate.

This is not the truth.

Passion can only come from within. Like young children display on a daily basis. And dogs for that matter, there is a reason they are mans best friend. They inspire us without even knowing it to always look on the bright side, always appreciate everything without expecting anything. If we take notice of these attributes we can learn a lot from their simple ways. They don’t rely on a particular thing to be happy they are always stoked with life. They are living in the present moment.

Passion is available in any moment. It arises from being completely present and engaged in your particular task at hand.

The more you come to understand this you will see that allowing your true state of passion to flow through you in any moment will lead you towards fulfilling all your dreams. And at the same time actually enjoying the work it takes to get there.

It is not about struggling towards your goals and grinding life out to get to a point where you feel you have achieved a lifestyle that you are passionate about. When we overcome that outside in way of thinking we can live a life of true passion in every moment.

Let me list some examples.

Have you gone to work one day with a weighed down feeling of thousands of thoughts running through your head that you can’t wait to get out out of this job or can’t wait for your next promotion or to have saved enough money to start your business?

When you attach yourself to all these thoughts you take yourself away from the present moment and rob yourself of the opportunity of living out a day where you feel true passion inside. You may not appreciate that amazing coffee in the morning or be present in that meaningful conversation with your other half or children. You become weighed down by over thinking.

This comes from buying into the perception that your outward circumstances create your inner feeling and wellbeing and happiness. This is not true. If you never come to the realisation (that is the truth within all of us but we forget a long the way. Hence children are more closely connected to it) that you can only find your true love, wisdom, contentment, joy and peace inside of you in any moment then no matter what your job or relationship or any other circumstance you achieve there will always be something more to chase. And Life will be a constant pursuit of happiness and passion. Which is a wild goose chase because it is already inside of us all!

Some days I buy into these thoughts, (which are human nature to have and they will always come and go) We just need to let the thoughts pass by without attaching to them.

I could go to training one day buying into all my thoughts and not enjoy one single bit of the day because I’m living inside of my head and letting all these discontent thoughts weigh me down. What is my next contract going to be? Am I playing this week? Surely there is more to life than running around on a rugby field? The list goes on. It is natural to think all these thoughts but it is refreshing to know that we can let them pass by without a worry and stay in the present moment.

When I do buy into these thoughts and get stuck in my head my day is shit. I don’t enjoy the fact that I have one of the best jobs in the world. Im lifting weights and running around outside playing the game I love.

When I am in this state of mind I’m not doing myself any favours to lead me towards a better place and overcome the things I’m worrying about. I’m actually just making them more of a reality.

When I rock up with a clear state of mind like children naturally have and like I referred to earlier, is our natural state. I am not phased by the fact I may not have a contract/ job next year at this stage. Im flowing I’m passionate I’m enjoying and therefore I am at my best and will naturally create the best circumstance going forward.

And my life will be more enjoyable because I am passionate and getting the best out of the present moment.

It is one of the most life changing things to know that everything on the outside is a reflection of whats going on on the inside.

-Your thinking.

-your feelings.

-your emotions.

-your physical wellness.

-your spiritual life.

Start to have more of an understanding in these areas and things will start to flow on the outside.

A circumstance or situation that seemed like a disaster yesterday can seem like the greatest opportunity to grow if you have already invested in your inner growth.

Some of the most successful people in the world in terms of material wealth and fame are some of the emptiest characters around, continuously looking for validation from others and may not even be passionate about what they do because it is all based upon the material gain or the search for fame.

Some of the happiest and most inspired people are the ones who have true passion in what they do. Their work, whatever it may be is their craft. They are the Mozarts of their trade. These are the people that inspire me the most.

Have you ever come across a waiter who is so passionate about giving you the best dining experience? Or some one in customer service who is genuinely friendly and wants to help you find the best product for you? Some one in a store who knows exactly every details of the items they sell.

Compared to those who barely acknowledge you when you come in. There is a vast difference. The first example inspires others and is full of passion. The other makes you want to go elsewhere no matter how established or great the product is.

I sure know the one that I would like to be. These are the people that inspire me.

And it is not about what you do it is about how you do it and about being passionate from within. Whether you are a waiter or the President of the United States. (Hmmmm what type of character has just been elected…)

Warren Buffet is one of these people. He is one of the richest men in the world. Stock market analysis is his absolute passion, he doesn’t do it for the money it is genuinely his craft and passion. He lives in the same house, drives a pretty standard car and doesn’t stay at the worlds fanciest hotels. He lives out his passion every day he doesn’t need all these other things to allow him to live a passionate life because it already comes from within him.

Steve Jobs was another one who was so passionate about what he did and created one of the most iconic brands of all time.

In whatever you do be passionate. Enjoy the moment and keep creating. Be the one who inspires others with your passion.

Remember that life is now and your outward experiences are created from within. Don’t join that goose chase that so many are in chasing external things thinking they will bring us happiness or that you’ll be more passionate with this particular job title.

Those achievements will come if you start igniting the passion that is already there.And have the most amazing day today. Like when you were a kid!

Thanks for reading guys. Your feedback means a lot to me so leave a comment or get in touch and let me know your thoughts.

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