How to Make a QR Code from a Website: Quick & Easy!

5 min readJul 4, 2024


How to Make a QR Code from a Website

Have you ever wondered how to make a QR code from a website? It’s like creating a magic door that anyone can scan with their phone to visit a webpage instantly. QR codes are those little black-and-white squares you see on posters, products, and even menus. Making one is super easy and fun!

Before we dive into the details, let me tell you about a fantastic place called This is a special marketplace where you can buy and sell websites. Whether you have an ecommerce site, a blog, or a service website, you can list it on They verify every detail like earning proof and traffic proof, ensuring you get the best deals. With over $100k worth of transactions and a high success rate, it’s a trusted platform for website flipping.

What is a QR Code?

A QR code is short for “Quick Response” code. It’s a type of barcode that can hold a lot of information. When you scan a QR code with your smartphone, it can quickly take you to a website, show a message, or even save a contact. Cool, right?

How to Make a QR Code from a Website: Quick & Easy!

Why Make a QR Code?

  • Easy Access: People can visit your website without typing the address.
  • Marketing: You can put QR codes on posters, flyers, or business cards to attract more visitors.
  • Convenience: QR codes are perfect for quick sharing and saving information.

Steps to Make a QR Code from a Website

  1. Choose a QR Code Generator: There are many free QR code generators online. Some popular ones include QR Code Generator, QRStuff, and QRickit.
  2. Enter the Website URL: Open the QR code generator and look for a field where you can enter the URL of your website.
  3. Customize Your QR Code: Some generators let you customize the design. You can change the color, add a logo, or even choose different shapes for the QR code.
  4. Generate the QR Code: Once you’re happy with the design, click the “Generate” or “Create” button. Your QR code will be ready in a few seconds!
  5. Download and Save: Download the QR code image to your computer or phone. You can now use it in your marketing materials.
  6. Test the QR Code: Before you share it with others, make sure to test it. Use your smartphone to scan the code and check if it takes you to the correct website.

How to Use Your QR Code

Now that you have your QR code, you can use it in many creative ways:

  • Print it on Business Cards: This makes it easy for people to visit your website.
  • Include it in Flyers and Posters: Great for marketing events or promotions.
  • Add it to Product Packaging: Customers can scan to learn more about the product.
  • Use it in Emails: Add the QR code to your email signature for quick access to your website.

Tips for Making the Best QR Code

Here are some tips to ensure your QR code works perfectly and looks great:

  • Keep it Simple: Avoid adding too much information. A simple URL is best.
  • High Contrast: Make sure the QR code stands out from the background. Black and white is the most readable.
  • Test on Different Devices: Ensure your QR code works with different smartphones and QR code readers.
  • Provide Instructions: If you’re using it in a place where people might not know what a QR code is, add a small note explaining how to scan it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even though making a QR code is easy, there are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Low-Resolution Images: Always use a high-resolution image for printing. A blurry QR code won’t scan well.
  • Overcomplicating the Design: While customization is fun, too many changes can make the QR code hard to scan.
  • Ignoring Testing: Always test your QR code before sharing it. It’s frustrating for users if it doesn’t work.

Advanced QR Code Features

Did you know QR codes can do more than just open a website? Here are some advanced features:

  • Embed Contact Information: Create a QR code that saves your contact info directly to someone’s phone.
  • Send a Text Message: Generate a QR code that sends a pre-written text message when scanned.
  • Wi-Fi Access: Share your Wi-Fi network details with a QR code. Scanning it connects the device to the network automatically.
How to Make a QR Code from a Website: Quick & Easy!

Using QR Codes with

If you’re selling a website on, using a QR code can make your listing stand out. Here’s how:

  • Share Your Listing: Create a QR code for your listing page. Share it on social media and print materials.
  • Promote Your Website: Use a QR code to direct potential buyers to your website’s analytics or demo page.
  • Easy Access for Buyers: Provide a QR code in your listing description, making it easy for buyers to visit your site without typing the URL.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Generate A Qr Code?

To generate a QR code, use an online QR code generator. Enter your website URL and download the QR code image.

Are Qr Codes Free To Create?

Yes, most online QR code generators offer free services to create basic QR codes for websites.

Can I Customize My Qr Code?

Yes, many QR code generators allow customization, including colors, logos, and design patterns to match your brand.

Do Qr Codes Expire?

Standard QR codes do not expire. Dynamic QR codes may expire depending on the service provider’s terms.

How To Scan A Qr Code?

Use your smartphone’s camera or a QR code scanning app to scan the QR code and access the website.

What Is A Dynamic Qr Code?

A dynamic QR code can be edited after creation and offers tracking capabilities, unlike a static QR code.

Are Qr Codes Safe?

Yes, QR codes are generally safe. Ensure the source is trustworthy to avoid malicious links.

Why Use Qr Codes For Websites?

QR codes simplify access to websites by allowing users to scan and visit without typing the URL manually. If you are looking to buy or sell websites, consider visiting [Flippium. com](https://flippium. com). It’s a trusted marketplace with a high success rate and low commission fees.


Making a QR code from a website is a simple and effective way to share information quickly. Whether for business, marketing, or personal use, QR codes are versatile and easy to create. Remember to choose a reliable QR code generator, customize your code, and test it before sharing. And if you’re looking to buy or sell a website, don’t forget to check out for the best deals and a smooth experience. Happy scanning!

