Basic Life Saving Techniques (Mega-Project)

Hasaan Waheed
3 min readMay 29, 2018

2nd Blog

For Mega-project, we chose to give Basic Life Safety techniques and awareness to students because this matter is sensitive in a sense that these techniques can save many lives by applying at the critical time.

You can Save Life
First Aid

In the previous blog I introduced my team and their credentials and for basic training sessions, we also invited an active member of Agriversity Scouts group member “Ali Sufian” B.Sc. Energy Systems Engineering who is well trained of Basic life support course and safety courses. Agriversity Scouts are Best scouts in Pakistan from past many decades and won many National level Competitions.

Ali Sufian Agriversity Scouts Group

After the sessions, the response was very great by the students and they insisted that these sessions should be done in every department we taught some basic techniques like LLF, CPR, 4 C’s, RICE which are used between the critical time before the arrival of rescue teams. We invited students from hostels and sessions were held in the mosques of the hostel.

Session in Progress
Training in progress

Challenges faced by my team was engaging people because exams are over and maximum students are gone from hostels and to overcome this problem we decided to go to doorsteps and invite students personally to the session.

Door step registration
Our patient and trainer

Outcomes of these sessions were very favorable and participants were very happy with this important learning activity and requested to continue these activities in future.

Participant in working mode

These techniques are very useful and will affect a lot of lives if applied because these are life-saving and critical. Due to unfavorable circumstances, we could not achieve the maximum goals but we achieved about 85–90% goals.

My Team
Participants of 1st session

At the end, we got a very good response from participants and they were thankful that we taught them important life-saving techniques and by seeing the interest of students we are planning to organize these sessions in next semester also.

CPR can save many lives
It is Easy and life saving



Hasaan Waheed

Environmental Engineer, save our environment if you want your grandchildren have something to cherish. We will definitely make an impact in days, months, years.