H A S A N 2018: a nihilist alternative for EBDSA (a campaign statement)

Hasan DSA
3 min readApr 8, 2018


I D O N T I D E N T I F Y A S:


an #organizer

horizontalist (just dont tase me, bro)

liberal, socialist, communist, anarchist, or post-leftist: these categories arent exclusive or uniform (ur thinking of zodiac signs)

E X C I T E D ™

a whyte PoC



a troll

I D O N T B E L I E V E I N:

a whyte working class

the future

non-reformist reformism


whyte PoC

whatever the opposite of “horizontalism” is

spontaneous revolution: literally nobody does

democracy, socialism, or america…at least not like that

educating, outreaching, or organizing fascists

the 60s as a high point in american politics (id be dead)

quantifying progress, success, or the total sum of global oppression at any given time

politics that center respectability, standard-of-living, efficiency, or unity instead of P O W E R

W H A T I W O N T D O:

allow EBDSA to become a green zone for “activist” gentrifiers in O A K L A N D

allow EBDSA to become a base for labor extraction or dishonest infiltration by outside groups (especially centrists)

allow EBDSA to contribute to a populist “red-brown coalition” between socialists and fascists through the common ground of “working class” I D E N T I T Y

allow EBDSA to maintain unnecessary distance from neighboring chapters

allow EBDSA to neglect chapter members who have been arrested

allow EBDSA to use external organizing to hide outright conservative internal politics or vice versa

allow EBDSA to ignore or dismiss ongoing resistance projects in the East Bay such as The Village, Defend Aunti Frances, rapid response to ICE raids, anti-fascist organizing, Anti-Police Terror Project, Black Lives Matter, R I O T S, mutual aid, court support/anti-repression, direct action against gentrification, solidarity with Reem’s and Hasta Muerte…or accuse them of “dividing the left” because they arent one of our two pet projects

W I N…but that shouldnt stop me…or anyone

because the storm is already here

what are your battles and whom are you fighting?

i want to know

GOT Q U E S T I O N S? Slide in my DMs. @dsa_hasan on Twitter

FAQ and more statements coming shortly…

EDITED: To correct my Twitter handle and to replace “entryism” with “infiltration” because of the former’s historically anti-Trotskyist connotations. I am not a Trotskyist, but I also don’t want to target or chill the rights of the specific Trotskyists in our organization because they have all been open and accountable regarding their vision for the chapter and the org, and ready to have honest and constructive discussions about it. I feel like our relationships with them are collaborative and fair. They’re not the problem.

