Moshiur Rahman — Top affiliate marketer in Bangladesh

2 min readFeb 4, 2024

Globally now a day’s affiliate marketing is very popular. Affiliate marketers are making money online through this business. Moshiur Rahman is a one of the top affiliate marketer in Bangladesh.

Moshiur Rahman is is doing affiliate marketing business beside this he is also a successful Entrepreneur and Writer. He is the Founder Chairman and instructor of a top digital marketing agency in Bangladesh. His e-learning platform name is cpalearner. His most popular cpa marketing bangla tutorial name is Paid Campaign Success Blueprint.

Moshiur Rahman is a professional in Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Native, Push, Banner, Pops Ads in different ad networks (PropellerAds, Zeropark,, Revcontent, MGID, Taboola etc.). He have more than 20 years of vast experience in many IT areas, he is also extremely expert in different tracking software for managing, analyzing, and optimizing ad campaigns. Paid Search, Free & Paid Social, SEO and online marketing are also his preferred areas.

The above expertise makes Moshiur Rahman the highly successful top digital marketer in Bangladesh.

How to be the best affiliate marketer?

If you wanted to be the best affiliate marketer then you need to learn a lot. You need the proper guideline and the best learning platform. You can get the best cpa marketing bangla tutorial from cpalearner’s top selling course “Paid Campaign Successblueprint”.

How much does a affiliate marketer make?

An affiliate marker can earn a lot. It depends on skills and investment of ad campaign budget. A affiliate marketer can earn up to million dollar a month from affiliate marketing.


