How to make a lifechange on airdrops in 2024?

4 min readJan 5, 2024


And Earn More Than $50,000 Without Following Projects

In this article, we will discuss which potential projects could airdrop in 2024 and give you a service that will take part in these projects for you.

According to analyst Miles Detcher, 2024 holds the promise of earning over $50,000 from airdrops, thanks to the creation of optimal market conditions this year, as asserted by the analyst.

Detcher anticipates 2024 to be exceptionally favorable for airdrop hunters — members of the crypto community actively seeking out lucrative distributions of digital assets. He contends that such a golden opportunity for earning through airdrops may not come again, attributing his positive forecast to the formation of what he deems perfect conditions in the market.

We present an article where we’ve outlined a selection of potential airdrops in 2024 that are anticipated to emerge soon, offering an opportunity to earn more than $50,000, according to Detcher and the AirdropHunter team of analysts.

Below is a list of potential airdrops that can earn $50,000 or more:

  1. zkSync. The project has more than $400 million in funding. Its airdrop may be the largest this year. In the lists of potential airdrops, according to DropStab, the project is in 1st place.

2. Layerzero Labs. The project’s Twitter is growing every day, as is the ecosystem. Leierzero often conducts collaborations, and the number of transactions on the network at the end of 2023 increased by 3 times. The protocol can please you with very tasty airdrops in 2024.

3. Scroll. Native zkEVM, in which over the past 2 months the number of transactions has grown to more than 8.5 million. There are a lot of Tier-1 investors, such as Polychain Capital and Sequoia Capital China. The project has already been released on the mainnet and there is every chance of receiving an airdrop from them in 2024.

4. Metamask. The largest Web3 wallet that still does not have its own token. However, back in 2022, the co-founder of the ConsenSys company, who owns Metamask, confirmed that the token will definitely be released. And 2024 is a great year in which Metamask can give away a large airdrop.

5. Arbitrum Nova. In 2023, Arbitrum distributed the largest airdrop among other projects. Arbitrum Nova currently has the lowest commissions and we can say with confidence that it is simply profitable for the project to carry out an Airdrop. Therefore, do not forget about the project, which can distribute drops no worse than in 2023.

6. Starknet. The project has collected more than $280 million in funding from large Tier-1 companies such as Coinbase Ventures, Paradigm and others. There is always a lot of hype around the ecosystem, and a recent update included payment of commissions in STRK tokens. The ecosystem has every chance to please with a large airdrop in 2024.

7. Zora. Web3 marketplace that raised $60 million. In 2023, the team has done a lot by removing fees for creating NFTs, adding support for multi-chains, where in total more than 3.7 million NFTs were created, and more than 750 ETH were collected, thanks to which in 2024 it can increase the chances of users receiving an airdrop.

8. DeBank. Web3 messenger through which you can analyze your crypto assets. The project frequently collaborates with projects, having collected $25 million in investments. Thus, DeBank creates his own L2 blockchain, which leads to a large airdrop.

9. Shardeum. The project announced its release to the mainnet in 2024, having collected more than $24 million in funding, and also included an update to the validator to version 1.9.0 — including snapshots of our wallets. Therefore, it’s definitely worth waiting for a drop from this project.

Thanks for reading the article, fat airdrops to everyone!

