Meet Brent, Our Lead Software Engineer

2 min readAug 5, 2022


Tell us a little bit about your background and what you do at Hashflow!

I’ve been a web developer for longer than I care to admit (think the days of AOL and 56K modems). I’ve worked at Apple, Microsoft, and Pinterest—as well as founding a few small startups. These experiences really helped propel me into the world of Web3. At Hashflow, I’m the keeper of web—I personally wrote nearly every line of code for the trading app, and I help with management, mentorship, and design where I can!

What’s your favorite tech stack or programming language?

I think there’s a reason React and TypeScript have been so dominant for so long. I’ve personally bet big on both for nearly a decade, and hopefully these tools have helped me prevent hundreds (if not thousands) of bugs, while building some really interesting projects and features.

What originally got you into crypto and DeFi?

I read the Bitcoin whitepaper really early on, and I was immediately fascinated by the idea. I’ve also played a lot of collectible games in my past, so the concept of digital scarcity really resonated with me.

What types of projects excite you the most in the space?

Hopefully this isn’t a cop-out answer—but rather than being excited about specific projects, I continue to be fascinated by the pace of new ideas. Once you get past the ponzis, there’re so many interesting applications of tokens, governance, and NFTs that are launching daily. I’m especially interested in the future augmentation of gaming, identity, and privacy.

What’s one of your favorite movies?

If you haven’t seen Lucky Number Slevin, I believe you’re seriously missing out.

If you want to hear more from Brent, come join our Discord!

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