A Love Story: The Symbiotic Relationship between a Man & His Car

Dr. Hashim AlZain
9 min readSep 29, 2022


A Love Story: The Symbiotic Relationship between a Man & His Car

Why are Men in Love with their Cars?

Some people think of cars as a mode of transportation that takes them from Point A to Point B, while others see things differently. I’ve always had an affinity towards the cars that I’ve owned; even when they were beater cars or old jalopies! As crazy as it may sound, I believe that cars, like any machine, are living entities that react to the way you treat them! You could develop a relationship with your car, and that’s what non-car enthusiast just cannot understand. I have a small confession to make, I actually talk to my car and tell it how I feel and express how much I appreciate her standing by me when I needed her the most, which helped me become more expressive in other areas of my life, especially with my wife.

Since I’ve launched my business, DarTec Engineering, almost 10-years ago, the process has taken a major tole on my financial reserves, where I’ve invested every penny I’ve saved and most of my earnings that I’ve received from my day job to finance my business.

I couldn’t afford upgrading my 2006 Mercedes SLK350 into a newer vehicle because I was living on a string-shoe budget for almost 9-years! Now that I’m financially stable, I can treat myself to a brand-new car, so I got myself a 2022 430i BMW, but I’ve kept my old Merc and refused to sell it although it’s almost 17-years old! I just couldn’t fathom letting it go because she was my buddy through thick-and-thin! My Merc was with me when I landed my first job as a mechanical engineer in Davenport, IA, it weathered snow and sandstorms without ever letting me down, and it was with me when DarTec entered into partnership with SABIC-Nusaned Investment; only the 2nd largest company in Saudi Arabia (SABIC unit invests in reverse engineering firm | Arab News).

Even with a brand-new Beamer with an M3 kit that has all the bells and whistles, I still have so much love and affinity for my old Merc that I wasn’t expecting. In fact, 3-days after buying a new Beamer, I took my old Merc to work instead of my Beamer because I’ve missed it so much, like a lover missing his high-school girlfriend. I actually had to stop and ask: why?

I think that men develop a personal relationship with their cars because they perceive them as an extension of their own personality. They also see power, freedom, and adventure in their vehicles, so in a way, every car has the potential to be a life-changing part of a man’s world. Now, I’m not arguing that women can’t love their cars as much as men, instead, what I’m hypothesizing is that men are more likely to invest more than women in vehicles that are bigger, faster, and more powerful! I believe that when men are shopping for cars, the price isn’t always the main factor driving their decision; even when the car they want is not all that affordable. That’s when men turn from enthusiasts into Motorheads! So, the question isn’t whether men love cars or not, rather, it’s why? What is it about cars that gets men so obsessed?

If you have watched a couple of car movies, you’ve probably noticed that most of them are male-oriented. Did you ever stop to ask why are they male-centric? Cars have been a gender-specific icon for a long time with characters like James Bond (007), Batman, Knight Rider, Back-to-the-Future DeLorean, The A-Team, and Ghostbusters who’re all iconic movie characters that you cannot imagine without the iconic cars. When you think about it, you will start seeing the logic behind this strange love and affection. Men often view their cars as the extension of themselves, and this love story has roots in history, childhood, chemistry, finance, and possessions.

In this brief article, I’ll touch over what I believe inspires men to collect cars, tinker under hoods in their garage, and prioritize power over price! I’ve theorized 5 factors affecting men’s affinity to their cars more so than women if I were to contrast between both genders:

  1. Cars are an Extension of a Man’s Manhood: While most ladies tend to dress to impress, men often drive to impress! Show me the car and I’ll tell you about the man who’s behind the wheel. Choosing a specific car can say a lot about a man, so for example, driving German cars reflects on the man’s need for precise handling and reliability. Whereas, going for American cars speaks about a man’s affinity for heritage, lineage, and great performance of old school muscle cars that can’t be matched.
  2. Cars are a Status Symbol: Since the dawn of time, material possessions have always been considered the evidence of someone’s status. Right or wrong is a different story all together. A car is more than something to brag about; it speaks about your profession, your earnings, and therefore, about how hardworking you are. Dare I say that it’s no wonder that “Sexy” cars with smooth aerodynamic curves tend to attract more attention from both men and women.
  3. Cars Exude Power: Given that cars are probably an extension of the self for a lot of men, it should come as no surprise that so many of them choose big, strong, fast cars over boring sedans or soccer-mom vans. It’s not just about raw power, rather; it’s about being able to own an expensive or special-edition vehicle (M3, AMG, etc…) is a sign that the owner has economic power.
  4. Cars Remind a Man with his Childhood: It was always normal & desirable to give boys toy cars as birthday gifts, but we can’t really say that this social influence has led to the development of this fascinating relationship between man & machine. I believe that little boys love interacting with moving objects because their brains are good at spatial navigation.
  5. The Urge for Control: There are a lot of things in life that you have no control over, but cars are meant to go in any direction you want & at any speed you desire, and this trait is irresistible to men.

Love at First Sight

Let’s face it, we all like to judge a book by its cover and judging a man by the car he drives is not a far stretch. The packaging that encases a possible prince charming is one of the first things women notice about a man because it tells her about what she can expect from him. It’s really the eye-candy that compels women to take a second look, which gives their brain time to decide if they like what they see or not. This does not imply or indicate that women are shallow or superficial, far from it! People are attracted to a possible mate in any species, which includes characteristics of fitness (to create a healthy offspring), physical symmetry (to create a good-looking offspring) and financial status (protection and providing for the offspring). This is how most of us measure power, albite it being on a subconscious level, wealth and social status are key drivers that trigger the opposite sex to engage or retreat.

Zoom Zoom!

There’s no denying that cars can hold a special place in a man’s heart. I know it does to me and those feelings dictate many car makers’ decisions regarding car design, touch, feel, and even scent. For example, someone who drives a Mercedes-Benz will tend to be someone who is meticulous and has an eye for detail. Merc drivers tend to worry far less about performance and speed, and more about comfort and relaxation. On the other hand, BMW drivers are likely to be brave, confident, and have a lot of self-belief. It may also come as no surprise that BMW drivers love a bit of bling and strive for a taste of the high life.

I think most women would agree that a great deal of men have allot of trouble identifying and verbalizing their emotions. However, men tend to channel their emotions into cars because it’s an easy, safe, and productive way to deal with tough feelings that are hard to express. To most men, a car is an extension of their self, so never come between a man and his car!

The Mavrick





Dr. Hashim AlZain

Co-Founder & CTO at DarTec Engineering & HealTec Rehabilitation with Hands-on experience of over 22-years