Who Moved My Cheese?

Dr. Hashim AlZain
10 min readApr 24, 2024


Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work & in Your Life

By Spencer Johnson, MD

Simplifying Complexity

This is a hugely popular book within the business and self-help genres for its simplicity and in its ability to deconstruct the complex nature of change in our lives. The core message behind this book is dealing with change, which resonates with a wide audience. It’s a universal human experience, making the book relevant to people from all walks of life. Also, this fable is unique in that its short in length, uses simple language, and its fable format makes it accessible to a broad range of audience.

The book follows characters searching for cheese (representing their goals) in a maze (representing life). When the cheese disappears (change happens), some characters adapt while others resist, highlighting the importance of embracing change and staying flexible.

The Story

I’ve never summarized a fable before, so here goes nothing! This book is a short fable disguised as a business parable. It uses a simple story to convey a powerful message about dealing with change. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements:

The Background — The Plot (Situation)

The story follows these four characters in a maze as they search for cheese. They find a plentiful cheese station and settle into a comfortable routine. However, one day, the cheese mysteriously disappears (the cheese moved).

The Current Condition — Change Happens (The Cheese Disappears)

  • Life throws curveballs. Your dream job might vanish, a relationship might end, or your routine might get disrupted. This is the disappearing cheese.

The Characters — Who We Are (Who’s Involved)

  • Hem (The Denier): Hem represents someone who resists change and clings to the familiar. He becomes fearful and frustrated when the cheese disappears, symbolizing the stabilizer who struggles with disruption.
  • Haw (The Overthinker): Haw is hesitant and indecisive. He worries excessively about the future and needs reassurance before adapting, embodying the unifier who seeks stability and consensus before moving forward.
  • Scurry (The Adapter): Scurry is the quickest to accept change and take action. He actively searches for new cheese, representing the outlier who thrives on taking initiative and finding solutions.
  • Sniff (The Anticipator): Sniff uses his senses to anticipate change. He’s the first to detect that the cheese is gone, highlighting the innovator who can foresee challenges and adapt proactively.

The Reactions — How We React (The Cheese Lessons)

  • Hem: Denies the change, gets scared and frustrated, and clings to the empty cheese station.
  • Haw: Overthinks things, becomes paralyzed by fear, and eventually starts searching for new cheese hesitantly.
  • Sniff & Scurry: They accept change quickly, head out to find new cheese, and are happy to explore the maze.

Lessons from the Fable to our Lives

The core message is that change is inevitable in life. The book explores how different people react to this change, so here are 6 key lessons that we can learn from the experiences of the different characters involved:

  1. Adaptability is Key: Like Sniff and Scurry, be open to new possibilities.
  2. You Can’t Control Others: You can’t make someone accept change or act rationally. Focus on yourself and how you react.
  3. Adaptability is Key: Like Sniff and Scurry, be open to new possibilities. Rigid thinking won’t solve problems with difficult people.
  4. Don’t Resist Change: Resistance only prolongs suffering.
  5. Move Forward (Even a Little): Even a small step, like Haw eventually taking action, is better than staying stuck.
  6. Focus on What You Can Control: Your own attitude and actions. Difficult people will be difficult, but you can choose how you respond.

The story is a simple yet profound one that encourages us to embrace change and develop a more positive outlook on life’s inevitable transitions.

Why a Fable?

Fables excel at explaining complex topics through a combination of engaging storytelling and simplified elements. This book is a fable for a few reasons:

  • Animal Characters: The story uses mice and little people instead of humans. This creates a distance from the reader’s own life, allowing them to observe the characters’ reactions to change more objectively.
  • Simple Setting: The maze represents a complex concept (life, career, etc.) in a simplified and easily visualized way. This makes it easier for readers to grasp the core message.
  • Moral Lesson: The entire story revolves around a central theme: dealing with change. Fables are known for conveying clear morals or life lessons in a concise and memorable way.

Here’s why fables can be more effective than traditional methods:

  • More Engaging: Fables are like stories, making them more interesting and enjoyable to read than dry lectures or factual presentations. Readers become invested in the characters and their journeys.
  • Universally Applicable: Fables don’t get bogged down in specifics. The use of animal characters and simple settings allows the reader to apply the lessons to their own lives, regardless of background or situation.
  • Easier to Remember: The combination of a relatable story and a clear moral makes the lessons of a fable easier to retain. People are more likely to remember a story with talking mice than a list of bullet points.
  • Disarms Defensiveness: By using a fictional scenario, fables can bypass a reader’s defensive mechanisms. People are less likely to feel judged or preached to, making them more open to the message.

Fables offer a safe space to explore complex topics and see them from a different perspective. They can spark self-reflection and encourage readers to adapt their own thinking and behavior. Remember, the maze is your life, and the cheese is what matters to you. Don’t let someone else’s resistance to change stop you from finding your way and enjoying the new cheese life has to offer.

Drawing Parallels between the Fable & Our Lives

This book perfectly captures the confusing nature of life in 5 different ways:

  1. Unpredictable Change: Just like the disappearing cheese in the story, life throws unexpected curveballs. We can lose jobs, relationships, or security seemingly overnight. This unpredictability can leave us feeling confused and disoriented.
  2. Lack of Control: In the maze, the characters can’t control who moves the cheese. Similarly, in life, many things are outside our control. We can’t control the actions of others, the economy, or even our own health sometimes. This lack of control can be a major source of confusion.
  3. Mixed Emotions: The characters in the story experience a range of emotions when the cheese disappears — fear, frustration, and uncertainty. These are all natural reactions to confusing situations in real life as well. We might not know what to do next, leading to a jumble of emotions.
  4. Different Perspectives: The characters react differently to the change. This reflects how people in real life deal with confusing situations in various ways. Some adapt quickly, some resist, and some become paralyzed by fear. This difference in perspectives can add to the overall confusion.
  5. Search for Answers: Just like the characters searching for new cheese, we often seek answers and explanations when life gets confusing. We try to understand why things happen the way they do, which can be a confusing journey in itself.

The beauty of the fable is that it acknowledges this confusion. It shows that feeling disoriented during unexpected changes is normal. However, it also offers a path forward — by embracing adaptability and focusing on what we can control, we can navigate the maze of life’s confusing moments.

While some criticize the book for its simplicity, its enduring popularity lies in its ability to offer clear and actionable advice on navigating the inevitable challenges of life and work. It provides a framework for dealing with change in a way that is relatable, memorable, and ultimately empowering.


The book offers a wealth of wisdom on navigating change at both work and in life, and here are 20 takeaways for you to consider:

Change is Inevitable

  1. Expect the Cheese to Move: Change is constant. Don’t be surprised when things you rely on disappear.
  2. The Sooner You Accept It, the Sooner You Adapt: Resistance to change only prolongs suffering.

Embrace Change & Be Proactive

  1. Don’t Fear the Maze: The unknown can be scary, but it also holds new opportunities.
  2. Smell the Cheese Often: Be aware of subtle changes before they become disruptions.
  3. Move with the Cheese: Be adaptable and willing to adjust your course as needed.
  4. Imagine Enjoying New Cheese: Visualize success to motivate yourself to keep searching.
  5. Change Brings Opportunity: New cheese can be even better than the old one.
  6. Learn and Grow from Change: Use each experience to become more resilient.

Overcoming Fear & Negativity

  1. What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?: Fear can paralyze you, so consider the possibilities without it.
  2. Move a Little Cheese Every Day: Start small and build momentum in your adaptation.
  3. Don’t Hold Onto the Past: Clinging to what’s gone keeps you from finding new happiness.
  4. Laugh at Your Fears: Taking things too seriously can hinder your progress.

Taking Charge & Moving Forward

  1. New Cheese Doesn’t Spoil: Don’t be afraid to try new things, even if they seem unfamiliar.
  2. The Problem is Not the Cheese Moving; It’s How You React: Choose a positive response to change.
  3. You Can Find New Cheese if You Keep Moving: Persistence is key to finding success.
  4. Enjoy the Adventure: Embrace the journey of exploration and discovery.

Helping Others & Yourself

  1. The More Cheese You Have, the More You Can Share: Be willing to help others find new cheese.
  2. Change Helps You Appreciate All You Have: When cheese disappears, you realize its value.
  3. Helping Others Find Cheese Helps You Find Your Own: Sharing knowledge and support benefits everyone.
  4. Change Can Be a Blessing in Disguise: Sometimes, losing cheese leads to something even better.

The Mavrick





Dr. Hashim AlZain

Co-Founder & CTO at DarTec Engineering & HealTec Rehabilitation with Hands-on experience of over 22-years