Understanding the science behind hair PRP treatment

Hash Invasive
4 min readApr 21, 2024

Hair loss and hair thinning have become a prevalent condition in men and women. It often results in emotional and psychological anguish. As a result, hair platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is becoming increasingly popular among individuals. This treatment can be used as a solution to restore natural-looking hair on your scalp. The treatment involves drawing PRP (platelet-rich plasma) from your blood and injecting it into the scalp, improving your hair growth and hair density.

What is the science behind PRP treatment?

Platelets are blood cells in your body that play a crucial role in the overall healing process. These substances are vital parts of your blood as they create blood clots to reduce bleeding and release special growth substances to speed up the process of tissue repair. Therefore, hair PRP treatment is made to take a sample of your blood, usually from your hand. The doctor will then separate the platelets from your blood from other substances like white and red blood cells. By doing so, the doctor will ensure that the remaining plasma includes a higher concentration of blood than what is normally present in the blood. The platelet-rich plasma will be injected into your scalp. It will guarantee faster growth of hair follicles. Not just that, it will contribute to improving the blood supply in your body, reducing inflammation and so much more. In short, it will allow you to restore hair on your scalp and boost your overall confidence or self-esteem.

How does hair PRP treatment work?

If you’re not sure about how a hair PRP treatment works, here’s a brief overview.

Step 1

Choose a skilled, experienced, and professional doctor who specializes in hair loss treatments. Schedule a consultation meeting with your doctor before the treatment. In this meeting, the doctor will evaluate whether you’re a good fit for hair PRP treatment. They will ask questions about your medical history and assess your scalp thoroughly. They will also discuss your expectations and desired results of the treatment during this meeting.

Step 2

After the doctor has passed you as a good fit for the treatment, they will move on to the next step and start the necessary preparation for the treatment. The doctor will draw a sample of your blood, generally between 30–50 ml, using the standard method.

Step 3

The next step will be to send the sample of the blood for processing in a centrifuge machine. This machine will separate the platelets from other substances like red blood cells in your blood. By doing this, the remaining plasma will contain more platelets than normal blood.

Step 4

The doctor will start preparing your scalp to inject the PRP injections. They will clean your scalp thoroughly to reduce the risk of allergies, swelling of infections. The doctor will also numb the scalp to minimize the pain and discomfort experienced throughout the treatment.

Step 5

After preparing the scalp, the doctor will use fine needles to inject PRP into specific areas of the scalp where there is less or no hair present. The doctor will inject multiple injections in different areas to ensure guaranteed results.

Effectiveness of the treatment

Many patients report enjoying effective results after getting a hair PRP treatment. There are also many scientific studies and reports available that offer evident results from this treatment. Many reports found that the treatment can contribute to faster hair growth significantly. There are also studies available that indicate that hair PRP treatment can increase hair thickness and density. Therefore, hair PRP treatment is an effective and efficient solution for all those who want to improve their hair growth and density.

Pros and Cons of the treatment

Here are some benefits of getting the treatment.

It is minimally invasive: Hair PRP treatment is just a slightly invasive hair treatment that will use your blood to improve your hair growth.

Quick recovery: This treatment has a faster recovery and healing time. You can expect to get back to your normal routine right after getting the treatment.

It offers long-lasting results: Hair PRP treatment is renowned for its natural and long-lasting outcomes. The new hair follicles will look like your natural hair and will last many years with the right care and maintenance.

Even though hair PRP treatment is a safe treatment, you can experience mild side effects for some time after the treatment.

Allergic reactions: Some patients can experience mild allergic reactions like irritation, redness, or swelling around the treated areas after the treatment. However, these allergic reactions will only last a couple of hours after the treatment.

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Hash Invasive

Hash Invasive provides hair restoration, botox, fillers, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, hair transplant surgery, weight loss, liposuction. hashinvasive.com