BT’s ‘Electronic Opus’ : A Surreal EDM Mix with Symphonic Orchestra!

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2 min readNov 23, 2014

BT’s love is coming back to his fans this week again at Miami Music Week of 2015! ‘Electronic opus’ is going to be such an experience that people will rejoice for years to come.

A legendary fusion of electronic music with the classical melodies of live orchestra is here to take place in BT’s upcoming album called the Electronic Opus. This project is said to be a groundbreaker for the music industry as it utilizes the best of traditional music and the latest of technologies to create a surreal blend sure to soothe your nerves.

BT and Tommy Tallarico, the revered video game composer, have gotten together to create this odyssey of an album. The songs are carefully chosen trance tracks that have received profuse admiration from fans over the years. Fans of EDM, who seek a refined, high-level experience are sure to rejoice this album that will make them appreciate the best of both worlds.

What is Electronic Opus? — Check The Video

Find out more here— Sounds.Today

The launch of Electronic Opus can be witnessed live during the Miami Music Festival on on March 29, 2015. Fans that can’t miss the opportunity to see BT — the ‘God of Modern Music’ performing live along with 42-person orchestra will surely be interested in buying tickets which will go on sale from December 1st.

But how do these guys plan to actualize their mega project? — With your support! BT has started a Kickstarter campaign imploring fans to come forward and make their donations towards funding the project.

Being a part of it, you stand a chance to win many an attractive gift, and even a lifetime opportunity of getting a personalized song by BT. If you get lucky, this campaign can take you to an exclusive world premiere party for the launch of the album. So if you love music and look forward to seeing EDM fused with the symphony, express your enthusiasm by being a part of Kickstarter!

December 2015 Update:

The project ‘Electronic Opus’ on Kickstarter has been fully funded and the artist and the producer are looking for some stretch goals they can achieve so the project scope can be extended. Here are 12 tracks they are thinking best for this new album.

Flaming June
Somnambulist (Simply Being Loved)
Monster — “Ferris Wheel”
Good Morning Kaia
These Silent Hearts
The Emergency
Love Comes Again

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