Mega Project Blog 2

Hasin Nafees
5 min readMay 31, 2023


Mega project is a crucial part of the program, which focuses on social impact and tests our application of soft skills. The project has a timeline of about four weeks, which helps students develop time management skills and effective teamwork.

The Mega Project

“Amal Fellowship Mega Project” is under way. We are in the third week of our mega project. Mega Circle 2 has done work on various fronts from preparing teaching modules, feedback forms, meeting with the management of concerned schools, guiding and engaging students in productive activities during the sessions, taking the feedback from the students and further improving the teaching modules based on the feedback from the students.

Mega Circle 2 has visited 2 schools during these 3 weeks. One of the schools is IMCG G-10/2 and the other school is IMSG (I-VIII) E-12.

IMSG E-12 School
IMCG G-10/2

During last 3 weeks Mega Circle 2 faced various challenges such as:

a.) AVAILABILITY OF ALL THE RESPECTIVE MEMBERS: As we are a diversified group with each member from different universities and educational backgrounds. Therefore, some of us are having ‘Mids or Sessional’ exams which most of the time clashes with the days of our visit to the schools.

b.) GETTING PERMISSION FROM THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SCHOOLS: It is not an easy job to persuade or get permission from Principals of the government schools by explaining the purpose, vision and noble cause of our Mega Circle 2.

c.) AVAILABILITY OF THE PROJECTOR: As Mega Circle 2 is of the view that digital teaching technique like using projector is way more effective and impactful than the traditional teaching technique. We are 8 members but none among us have the projector of their own so either we have to lend from someone in our friend circle or ask a favor from the management of the school.

But through teamwork, collaboration, resilience, mutual understanding and accommodative approach of all the fellow members in our Mega Circle we are able to overcome these challenges. As a group leader of this Mega Circle I am really impressed by the exhibition of true responsibility by each member and the way each member steps in and delivers their very best whenever the group needs them.

Our approach as a group has remained the same throughout which is to take small steps of progress every now and then, mutual understanding among the members, opinion of each member matters and to follow a proper timetable rather than leaving things for the end. As a group leader I ensure that we as a group at least have one ‘Zoom’ meeting each week so that queries of the members are well addressed, to delegate tasks among the members and to ensure proper check and balance regarding progress of different tasks given to each member.

Up till now we have visited 2 schools in Islamabad. One of the schools is IMCG G-10/2 and the second school is IMSG (VIII) E-12. We specifically targeted students of 8th Grade. Our sessions were of 90 minutes duration. In these sessions, we had 3 modules:

  1. Technical Skills (MS Excel and Graphic Designing)
  2. Soft Skills (Leadership and Teamwork)
  3. Safe usage of social media awareness
Microsoft Excel Module
Graphic Designing Module
Family and Social Media Awareness
“PIPER” motivational story

In addition to it, our Mega Circle also organized a fun activity during the “Teamwork” session. In which we made groups comprising 2–3 students. Each group had to make a dog with following instructions:

  1. 6 rectangles
  2. 3 triangles
  3. 1 circle
Teamwork Fun Activity Winner

Our Mega Circle reached out to 90 students in total and created awareness regarding the importance of both technical and soft skills in personal and professional development of the individual and regarding safe usage of social media. We also gave feedback forms to the students at the end of each session. This feedback basically helped us in improving our content, teaching module and to further improve our sessions.

Feedback Form
Feedback Form

As a leader of this Mega Circle I am quite sure that this noble cause of our group is pretty much sustainable. Firstly, every member in our Mega Circle is proactive, responsible and are ready to go extra miles for the success of our cause. Secondly, during initial stages of our Mega Project we decided that even when the Amal Fellowship will end, we will continue with our Mega Project and we also pre-planned to visit at least 1 school after every 2 months when the fellowship ends. Finally, I noticed that none among our group ever had a teaching experience before this Mega Project but everyone among us really wanted to share their knowledge and valuable experiences to the next generation so that we can inspire them to bring positive change in the society.

Mega Circle 2 with Vice Principal of IMCG G-10/2
Mega Circle 2 with Teaching staff and Students

The Forte Force

