Ant Colony Optimization

Finding the shortest path in a graph using Ant Colony Optimization

Hasnain Roopawalla
9 min readApr 22, 2024
Simulation from @hasnainroopawalla/ant-colony-simulation

This article aims to delve into my implementation of the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. This Python package has been published to PyPi and can be installed using pip install aco_routing.

What is Ant Colony Optimization? 🐜

The Ant Colony Optimization algorithm is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems by modeling the behavior of ants and their colonies. This algorithm was introduced by Marco Dorigo (publication) and was intended to solve the traveling salesman problem. However, recent advances have also led to this approach being used for complex optimization tasks.

More information here.

The Search Space — NetworkX Graph

For this problem statement, our search space is a network of interconnected nodes and edges. The network is represented as a digraph (directed graph) and implemented using the Python package NetworkX. Each edge of the graph contains a heuristic value (travel cost) and a pheromone value (initially set to 1.0 for all edges).

For the sake of simplicity, only the necessary methods from NetworkX are exposed and consumed through a GraphApi in the package.

Implementing the ACO algorithm

Let’s start by creating a core ACO class to run/control the algorithm:

There are several hyper-parameters that can be tweaked for the ACO algorithm

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import networkx as nx

from aco_routing.ant import Ant
from aco_routing.graph_api import GraphApi

class ACO:
graph: nx.DiGraph
# Maximum number of steps an ant is allowed to take in order to reach the destination
ant_max_steps: int
# Number of cycles/waves of search ants to be deployed
num_iterations: int
# Indicates if the search ants should spawn at random nodes in the graph
ant_random_spawn: bool = True
# Evaporation rate (rho)
evaporation_rate: float = 0.1
# Pheromone bias
alpha: float = 0.7
# Edge cost bias
beta: float = 0.3
# Search ants
search_ants: List[Ant] = field(default_factory=list)

def __post_init__(self):
# Initialize the Graph API
self.graph_api = GraphApi(self.graph, self.evaporation_rate)
# Initialize all edges of the graph with a pheromone value of 1.0
for edge in self.graph.edges:
self.graph_api.set_edge_pheromones(edge[0], edge[1], 1.0)

def find_shortest_path(
source: str,
destination: str,
num_ants: int,
) -> Tuple[List[str], float]:
"""Finds the shortest path from the source to the destination in the graph

source (str): The source node in the graph
destination (str): The destination node in the graph
num_ants (int): The number of search ants to be deployed

List[str]: The shortest path found by the ants
float: The cost of the computed shortest path
solution_ant = self._deploy_solution_ant(source, destination)
return solution_ant.path, solution_ant.path_cost

Now that the search space has been instantiated, we can create an Ant class with some relevant properties; These ants will be deployed in the search space.

Ant-specific hyper-parameters can also be tweaked in the ACO class.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Union

from aco_routing.graph_api import GraphApi

class Ant:
graph_api: GraphApi
source: str
destination: str
# Pheromone bias
alpha: float = 0.7
# Edge cost bias
beta: float = 0.3
# Set of nodes that have been visited by the ant
visited_nodes: Set = field(default_factory=set)
# Path taken by the ant so far
path: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
# Cost of the path taken by the ant so far
path_cost: float = 0.0
# Indicates if the ant has reached the destination (fit) or not (unfit)
is_fit: bool = False
# Indicates if the ant is the pheromone-greedy solution ant
is_solution_ant: bool = False

def __post_init__(self) -> None:
# Set the spawn node as the current and first node
self.current_node = self.source

The ACO algorithm is split into 3 distinct phases that are thoroughly explained below. However, a prerequisite to finding the shortest path is to initialize and spawn ants in the graph at random nodes:

# class ACO

def _deploy_search_ants(
source: str,
destination: str,
num_ants: int,
) -> None:
"""Deploy search ants that traverse the graph to find the shortest path

source (str): The source node in the graph
destination (str): The destination node in the graph
num_ants (int): The number of ants to be spawned
for _ in range(self.num_iterations):

for _ in range(num_ants):
spawn_point = (
if self.ant_random_spawn
else source

ant = Ant(


Phase 1 — Forward Search Ants

All ants are tasked with reaching the destination node in a finite number of steps. If an ant reaches the destination in the expected number of steps, it is marked as fit. For all subsequent stages within an iteration, our focus lies on fit ants.

# class ACO

def _deploy_forward_search_ants(self) -> None:
"""Deploy forward search ants in the graph"""
for ant in self.search_ants:
for _ in range(self.ant_max_steps):
if ant.reached_destination():
ant.is_fit = True
# class Ant

def take_step(self) -> None:
"""Compute and update the ant position"""
# Mark the current node as visited

# Pick the next node of the ant
next_node = self._choose_next_node()

# Check if ant is stuck at current node
if not next_node:

self.path_cost += self.graph_api.get_edge_cost(self.current_node, next_node)
self.current_node = next_node

def reached_destination(self) -> bool:
"""Returns if the ant has reached the destination node in the graph

bool: returns True if the ant has reached the destination
return self.current_node == self.destination

At each step, the ant determines its next move, using the edge Transition Probability Policy — the probability of transitioning from the current node i to another node j:

Transition probability for an ant for edge i→j


  • τ_ij is the amount of pheromone deposited on the edge i→j
  • η_ij is the travel cost (heuristic) of the edge i→j
  • α controls the influence of the pheromone value (α ≤ 1)
  • β controls the influence of the heuristic value (β ≤ 1)

The denominator of the equation represents all edges that the ant is allowed to travel to (unvisited nodes).

Based on the above transition formula, let’s implement the necessary methods in the Ant class to compute all edge probabilities and select the best next node to transition to:

# class Ant

def _choose_next_node(self) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Choose the next node to be visited by the ant

[str, None]: The computed next node to be visited by the ant or None if no possible moves
unvisited_neighbors = self._get_unvisited_neighbors()

# Check if ant has no possible nodes to move to
if len(unvisited_neighbors) == 0:
return None

probabilities = self._calculate_edge_probabilities(unvisited_neighbors)

# Pick the next node based on the roulette wheel selection technique
return utils.roulette_wheel_selection(probabilities)

Get all the allowed nodes (unvisited) for the ant to move to:

# class Ant

def _get_unvisited_neighbors(self) -> List[str]:
"""Returns a subset of the neighbors of the node which are unvisited

List[str]: A list of all the unvisited neighbors
return [
for node in self.graph_api.get_neighbors(self.current_node)
if node not in self.visited_nodes

Compute the edge probabilities:

# class Ant

def _calculate_edge_probabilities(
self, unvisited_neighbors: List[str]
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Computes the transition probabilities of all the edges from the current node

unvisited_neighbors (List[str]): A list of unvisited neighbors of the current node

Dict[str, float]: A dictionary mapping nodes to their transition probabilities
probabilities: Dict[str, float] = {}

all_edges_desirability = self._compute_all_edges_desirability(

for neighbor in unvisited_neighbors:
edge_pheromones = self.graph_api.get_edge_pheromones(
self.current_node, neighbor
edge_cost = self.graph_api.get_edge_cost(self.current_node, neighbor)

current_edge_desirability = utils.compute_edge_desirability(
edge_pheromones, edge_cost, self.alpha, self.beta
probabilities[neighbor] = current_edge_desirability / all_edges_desirability

return probabilities

def _compute_all_edges_desirability(
unvisited_neighbors: List[str],
) -> float:
"""Computes the denominator of the transition probability equation for the ant

unvisited_neighbors (List[str]): All unvisited neighbors of the current node

float: The summation of all the outgoing edges (to unvisited nodes) from the current node
total = 0.0
for neighbor in unvisited_neighbors:
edge_pheromones = self.graph_api.get_edge_pheromones(
self.current_node, neighbor
edge_cost = self.graph_api.get_edge_cost(self.current_node, neighbor)
total += utils.compute_edge_desirability(
edge_pheromones, edge_cost, self.alpha, self.beta

return total

Now that the edge probabilities have been computed, the ant selects the next node based on the Roulette Wheel Selection technique:

# utils

def roulette_wheel_selection(probabilities: Dict[str, float]) -> str:
sorted_probabilities = {
k: v for k, v in sorted(probabilities.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1])

pick = random.random()
current = 0.0
for node, fitness in sorted_probabilities.items():
current += fitness
if current > pick:
return node
raise Exception("Edge case for roulette wheel selection")

Phase 2 — Backward Search Ants

Each fit ant travels backward from the destination to the spawn point and deposits pheromones on this path.

# class ACO

def _deploy_backward_search_ants(self) -> None:
"""Deploy fit search ants back towards their source node while dropping pheromones on the path"""
for ant in self.search_ants:
if ant.is_fit:

The amount of pheromone deposited by each ant on an edge is computed by the Pheromone Deposit Policy:

Pheromone update for edge i→j


  • ρ is the coefficient of evaporation — this ensures that the pheromone value of an edge is always finite
  • τ_ij is the amount of pheromone deposited on the edge i→j
  • m is the total number of ants

Let’s add this to the Ant class and a corresponding method in the GraphApi:

# class Ant

def deposit_pheromones_on_path(self) -> None:
"""Updates the pheromones along all the edges in the path"""
for i in range(len(self.path) - 1):
u, v = self.path[i], self.path[i + 1]
new_pheromone_value = 1 / self.path_cost
self.graph_api.deposit_pheromones(u, v, new_pheromone_value)
# GraphApi

def deposit_pheromones(self, u: str, v: str, pheromone_amount: float) -> None:
self.graph[u][v]["pheromones"] += max(
(1 - self.evaporation_rate) + pheromone_amount, 1e-13

Phase 3 — Solution Ant

At this stage, we have deployed several waves (epochs) of forward and backward ants in the graph. The current assumption is that the pheromone levels along the edges are sufficiently high to accurately depict the shortest route from any node to the target destination.

To generate the solution, i.e. the shortest path from the source to the destination, we deploy a solution ant at the source node.

# class ACO

def _deploy_solution_ant(self, source: str, destination: str) -> Ant:
"""Deploy the pheromone-greedy solution to find the shortest path

source (str): The source node in the graph
destination (str): The destination node in the graph

Ant: The solution ant with the computed shortest path and cost
ant = Ant(
while not ant.reached_destination():
return ant

The unique characteristic of the solution ant is its pheromone-greediness (α=1 and β=0), i.e. it will choose its next step based on the edge with the highest pheromone value, ignoring the heuristic value.

Let’s update the Ant.choose_next_node() method to account for this special type of ant by adding an is_solution_ant property:

# class Ant

def _choose_next_node(self) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Choose the next node to be visited by the ant

[str, None]: The computed next node to be visited by the ant or None if no possible moves
unvisited_neighbors = self._get_unvisited_neighbors()

if self.is_solution_ant:
if len(unvisited_neighbors) == 0:
raise Exception(
f"No path found from {self.source} to {self.destination}"

# The final/solution ant greedily chooses the next node with the highest pheromone value
return max(
key=lambda neighbor: self.graph_api.get_edge_pheromones(
self.current_node, neighbor

# Check if ant has no possible nodes to move to
if len(unvisited_neighbors) == 0:
return None

probabilities = self._calculate_edge_probabilities(unvisited_neighbors)

# Pick the next node based on the roulette wheel selection technique
return utils.roulette_wheel_selection(probabilities)

Once the solution ant has reached its destination, we can access the ant’s path and path_cost properties to get the shortest path and path cost respectively, from the source to the destination node.

Finally, we will consolidate all the information covered regarding the ACO implementation and find the shortest path in a NetworkX graph:

import networkx as nx
from aco_routing import ACO

G = nx.DiGraph()

G.add_edge("A", "B", cost=2)
G.add_edge("B", "C", cost=2)
G.add_edge("A", "H", cost=2)
G.add_edge("H", "G", cost=2)
G.add_edge("C", "F", cost=1)
G.add_edge("F", "G", cost=1)
G.add_edge("G", "F", cost=1)
G.add_edge("F", "C", cost=1)
G.add_edge("C", "D", cost=10)
G.add_edge("E", "D", cost=2)
G.add_edge("G", "E", cost=2)

aco = ACO(G, ant_max_steps=100, num_iterations=100, ant_random_spawn=True)

aco_path, aco_cost = aco.find_shortest_path(

print(f"ACO path: {aco_path}")
print(f"ACO path cost: {aco_cost}")

ACO returns the optimal path and cost 🎉

ACO path: A -> H -> G -> E -> D
ACO path cost: 8.0

ACO Key Learnings

  • Search space exploration: Strikes a great balance between exploration and exploitation and leads to several diverse solutions, providing a broader perspective on the problem.
  • Optimal solutions: Capable of finding near-optimal solutions across a range of problems, like uncovering the same shortest path as Dijsktra’s algorithm.
  • Scalability: Effective strategy for handling large-scale problems as it allows ants to be deployed in parallel.
  • Adaptability: Excels in dynamic environments since the ants can effectively update pheromone trails to find the optimal path.

GitHub Repository and Simulation

You can find the source code of the aco_routing package here: hasnainroopawalla/ant-colony-optimization

An interactive 2D simulation of this algorithm using React and p5.js can be found here: hasnainroopawalla/ant-colony-simulation

Feel free to contribute or raise any issues 🚀

Thanks for reading!

