Quantum Computing: Why it is so fast?

4 min readJul 23, 2023


Quantum computing, a fascinating subject that has taken the scientific community and beyond, sits on the edge of technological innovation. This technology is poised to redefine the concept of computing speed, tackling complex problems that traditional computing can’t scratch. But how does quantum computing work, and what gives it this astonishing speed? Let’s dive into the intricate world of quantum physics and “untangle” the mysteries of quantum computing.

IBM’s Quantum Computer

The Quantum World: A Different Ball Game

To understand quantum computing, we must first understand the fundamental principles that differentiate it from classical computing: superposition and entanglement.

In classical computing, we encode information into bits that can exist in one of two states: 0 or 1. However, in quantum computing, we use quantum bits or “qubits,” which can exist in a state of superposition. This means they can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously, effectively encoding more information than a traditional bit.

Imagine having a coin. In classical terms, this coin can either be heads or tails. However, a quantum coin (to compare it to a qubit) can be in a state where it is both heads and tails at the same time! As you add more coins (or qubits), the number of states they can represent grows exponentially, which forms the backbone of quantum computing’s processing power.

Superposition and Entanglement: The Speed Factors

Superposition: It allows quantum computers to evaluate multiple possibilities simultaneously. This massive parallelism is a significant contributing factor to why quantum computers are blazingly fast compared to their classical counterparts.

Entanglement: Additionally, quantum computing leverages another quirky feature of quantum physics: entanglement. When two qubits become entangled, the state of one directly influences the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. This property means a change to one entangled qubit instantaneously affects its partner, providing an incredible level of synchronization and speed that classical computing simply can’t match.

Source: What Is Quantum Entanglement? Quantum Entanglement Explained in Simple Terms | Caltech Science Exchange

Real-world Applications of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing’s parallel processing capabilities hold the potential to revolutionize many industries:

Cryptology: Quantum computers can potentially crack cryptographic codes and encryptions that would take classical computers years to decode, thereby revolutionizing the field of cybersecurity.

Drug Discovery: In the pharmaceutical industry, quantum computing could drastically expedite the process of drug discovery by simulating molecular interactions at an unprecedented speed.

Logistics and Supply Chain: Quantum computing can help optimize routes, manage inventory, and enhance overall efficiency.

Climate Forecasting: Quantum computers can process vast and complex climatic data, paving the way for more accurate weather and climate predictions.

Artificial Intelligence: Quantum computing can significantly speed up the processing of complex datasets, thereby advancing machine learning and AI algorithms.

Some Breakthroughs in Quantum World

Google’s Quantum Computer

Sycamore: In 2019, Google’s Quantum Computing team announced a significant breakthrough, claiming that their quantum computer, Sycamore, had achieved “quantum supremacy”. The computer solved a problem in 200 seconds that would have taken a classical supercomputer approximately 10,000 years.

IBM Quantum Volume: IBM announced in 2020 that it had doubled its Quantum Volume for the fourth year in a row. Quantum Volume is a measure of quantum capabilities considering both the number of qubits, their quality, and the computational abilities of the device.

Zuchongzhi: In a landmark research paper, USTC in China reported building a 60-qubit processor called Zuchongzhi that executed a problem in just over an hour which would have taken the most powerful supercomputers over eight years.

Quantum Internet: There’s also been significant progress in creating a “Quantum Internet”. The U.S. Department of Energy released a blueprint for a national quantum internet, marking a significant step towards building a truly quantum internet.

Future Implications and Challenges

So, why don’t we have quantum computers on our desks yet? Developing a functional and practical quantum computer is still a work in progress because qubits are very delicate:

Decoherence: Quantum systems are sensitive to environmental changes e.g., noise, vibrations, temperature etc. The ease with which qubits fall out of their quantum state — a phenomenon called “decoherence” — is a significant challenge.

Quantum Error Correction: Quantum computations are highly susceptible to errors. Developing efficient error correction techniques is a pressing concern.

Despite these challenges, advancements are swift. As we inch closer to realizing quantum computing’s full potential, we’re on the cusp of a revolution that will redefine our problem-solving capacities and herald a new era of innovation. Thanks for Reading.

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