Building Large Scale Web Apps

A React Field Guide

Hassan Djirdeh
3 min readApr 30, 2024

I had the privilege to work with Addy Osmani to launch “Building Large Scale Web Apps: A React Field Guide”.

After years of hands-on experience developing and leading large-scale React applications at companies like Google, Shopify, and DoorDash, we realized there was a need for comprehensive practical guidance on this subject. Most resources introduce React concepts but rarely go deep into the intricacies of scale — the exact pain points engineers encounter daily in real-world codebases.

Driven by this pressing gap, Addy and I spent over a year preparing and writing the book to help developers build resilient, high-performing React apps ready for complexity.

In the book, we discuss:

  • Strategies for managing software complexity.
  • How convoluted state management can be simplified by leveraging tools like React Query, Context, the useReducer Hook, and Redux.
  • Design systems, component libraries, and CSS methodologies and their necessity in fostering better collaboration between developers and designers.
  • Accessibility, internationalization, personalization and A/B testing techniques that can be applied to cater to diverse user needs.
  • Actionable guidance on simplifying migrations.
  • Implementing robust testing and utilizing TypeScript for improved reliability.
  • Advanced organizational and architectural optimizations at scale.
  • And so much more!

We also share soundbites and tips from startup owners and industry professionals who work at Doordash, Netflix, Spotify, and more. You can read more details about the book over at the website.

In just one week after launch, “Building Large Scale Web Apps: A React Field Guide” has received so much positive reception and over a thousand readers have purchased the e-book or physical copy.

“Building Large Scale Web Apps” has also hit two other great milestones:

Leanpub’s best seller list (all categories)!

And, Lulu’s best seller in the Engineering category over the past thirty days!

What’s next?
We’ve already begun work on three new chapters that we’ll be adding to the book in the very near future:

  • Routing
  • User-centric API design
  • React in 2024

These chapters are designed to be included in the next update (alongside any edits/improvements), scheduled for Q3 this year!

If you‘re interested in getting a copy, visit to get your hands on the e-book or the softcover version. Whether you’re tackling a startup project or working within a major enterprise, we’ve crafted “Building Large Scale Web Apps” to be a React field guide in helping you build resilient, high-performing web applications.

If you’re interested in reading a free chapter and/or being part of the “Building Large Scale Apps” newsletter & community, sign-up to our substack newsletter at

We have a lot of exciting future plans for the “Building Large Scale Web Apps” product that Addy and I are currently brainstorming. If you have any questions, thoughts, or feedback, you’re always welcome to reach out to me directly at

