Day 8: Case Study Number 1 In Process

Hassan Aanbar
2 min readNov 27, 2017


Today was one of those relaxing Sundays I’ve always heard people rave about.

I haven’t slept in in a long time, so it did feel awesome.

Other than running errands and replying to email, I was able to squeeze it 2 solid hours of work.

On an exciting note, I started working on my first case study. A niche store that sells products related to one specific niche. It doesn’t help when you have a general ecommerce store that just sells anything.

Having a niche helps in targeting a specific audience that loves/adores your product, they would buy time and time again from you.

Especially when your niche has a story related to it, when you don’t do niche down it becomes harder and harder to connect with your customers.

In other exciting news

client number 3 is on board. Yaaay!

I’m also still working on the cold emailing strategy, which I believe will take the agency from the low 4 figures to at least $10k a month.

Things are on the up and up over at BLM.

This weekend was very productive and fun at the same time.

Here’s to more success for everyone out there, and don’t forget to keep the hustle alive!

