Why I Love My Life and You Should Too!!!

Jeremy Hasson
2 min readSep 11, 2019


I could just make this article seven words which are: “Tess Mendelson is my best damn friend”, I just simply won’t because that is just knowing me day one. While she does mean the world to me, and make me super happy, that’s not why I am writing this. I am going to teach you why you NEED to love your life to the fullest.

By the way, this is Tess.

I honestly have the best, most caring, and sweetest friends in the world, who I can rely on and go to if I am ever sad and not doing too well on the inside, and I strongly encourage you to find the same types of friends. While these friends are super hard to find and once you find the caring people, getting close to them and becoming besties will be a breeze. I am very fortunate and grateful to be in the amazing movement, BBYO. BBYO has connected me to Jewish teens from across the globe, and the fact that I can say that I have best friends from ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE really speaks for itself. I have best friends from New York, to Pennsylvania, to Argentina, and everywhere in between. Oh yeah, I can’t forget the few hundred plus friends I made that live no more than 30 minutes from me.

I am forever grateful for all my best friends have done for me and made me as happy as I am, and made me love my life as much as I have. To everyone who I consider one of my best friends, I thank you times a billion, and love you times a trillion,

Always with Love,

Jeremy Hasson

A DAMN proud lover of his life

