Is Anxiety > Testing positive?

Hasti Sutaria
4 min readNov 1, 2021


Are covid-19 statistics creating awareness or anxiety? In this vigorous pandemic of COVID-19, should we really watch news. Is it worthy to know the virus statistics for all citizens especially in the second wave? Do human mind suffer? The experienced guidance is to be safe physically and mentally.

News and media sector has sky-scraped the state of pandemic, but for some it’s leading to mental affection, anxiety and fearful health.

We all are well aware of second wave, which is exponentially doubled as compared to first one and now when people just started their routine again all are threatened due to tremendous increasing rate in covid-19 cases. Now people are affected both mentally and physically. Due to constant engagement in COVID-19 discussions wherever the visit and with whomever they talk and meet, it is adversely affecting human minds and people tend to become overthinkers. How strange is it? People are fearing from getting positive.

Media Engagement

To inform the public during these uncertain times, newsrooms across the country have made pandemic coverage a priority. But the ever-changing nature of COVID-19 data being released has left journalists and researchers with challenges in providing accurate information to the public. The statistics revealed are manipulated at times and it becomes confusing for researchers and predictors to perform their actions.

In early pandemic days, people waited for the clock tick when the day to day increment of cases was announced. Constant notifications on phone, TV news specials and debates in place of your favorite sports show. WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and Messenger stacking up with Covid-19 information and updates. This cycle is constantly running from a year or more. Even the younger generations kept themselves updated. Time and again people are overwhelmed with second wave and media engagement.

How does negative news affect us?

Their are two key trends going on. The first is a more general sense of “corona fatigue”, where we’ve found ourselves in. The second trend is that the relentless news cycle may be exacerbating anxiety or depression for those who already have a history of mental and emotional health issues. The elevated levels of psychological distress indicate mental health services are likely to experience increased demand during pandemics.

Senior citizens, overthinkers, people living far for home, youths and all others are now frustrated and tired from listening the increase of covid-19 cases and about the people losing their lives. Reaching in the second phase of different strain of virus and after getting vaccinated, people’s fear is constantly increasing. Due to this fear people are now catching some physical symptoms, mental affection, severe distress, high level stress, depression, anxiety and sucidal thoughts. 70% of young people are feeling very anxious about COVID-19. Their main concerns are personal and family member’s health, loss of income, lack of job opportunities for freshers, less medication facilities, losing near and dear ones, isolation, sharing room with others, online education, work from home routine, monotonous schedule between four walls and many others.

When not in our hands but our hands matter

Not all journalism is good. But that doesn’t mean that all journalism is bad.

There’s also a sizable minority who are finding themselves consumed by the news cycle more than usual for professional reasons. Journalists, communications professionals, government officials, doctors, scientists and, most recently, disinfectant manufacturers are among those having to stay on top of daily comments, trends and data in a way they’ve never previously experienced. For many, this is happening while they are working from home and managing blurred boundaries between their work and private lives.

It’s the time for providing decent and positive journalism to public for there betterment. Instead of sharing dreadful scenes and information, there is a need to provide consolidation to change the mental state of human mankind. Time to show number of people recovered as headlines. The profound thing that matters is to plant a tree as we are well known through the oxygen supply situation in our surroundings.

Winning our minds

If you are news addict, you should follow trusted sites and not rumors. Focus on facts rather than conjecture. Don’t be positive but indulge into sensibility. Get yourself a proper sleep and plan out the day. Disconnect from the covid-19 death statistical news. It’s the high time where public should radiate positivity and fight against the pandemic. Our small step can help our country to be COVID free. One of the useful resource can be found here.

Here’s a helpful bucket list.


There might be a lot that feels out of your control right now. Focus on the factors you can control. Develop an action plan to decrease risk. Practice good hygiene and follow CDC recommendations. Pay attention to thoughts that breed anxiety and work to shift your focus.


While it’s helpful to stay informed, it’s also important you don’t allow yourself to be bombarded with anxiety-provoking news all day. Limit media consumption to a certain time frame or number of articles. Mute alerts on your phone.


Carl Jung said, “What you resist persists.” The more you try not to feel anxious, the more likely your anxiety will increase. When anxious feelings show up, notice and describe the feeling without judgement. Allow yourself to sit with uncomfortable feelings and anxiety will reduce overtime.


Utilize this time as a boon to develop yourself. Learn something new and polish that you already know. Student’s hypothetical dream to getting vacation for six months twice a year is already fulfilled. So make yourselves busy in the activities you love.

Be safe and follow your heart!



Hasti Sutaria

Creativity. Productivity. Vision. To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard. So start writing no matter what.