Evangelizing Bitcoin

What we can learn from Religion

5 min readAug 8, 2018

From Su Zhu and Hasu

Different people have different goals for Bitcoin and what constitutes success. If Bitcoin became the single global currency, replaced all fiat and was secured in a decentralized way, I think we can agree that would be pretty successful. Even if bitcoin “only” became a parallel financial system, giving people optionality and keeping the remaining central banks in check, most of us would sign that today. But how do we get there?

A large part of it is simply time and patience. But there are also things that each and every one of us can do to help bitcoin succeed. It starts with thinking about Bitcoin in a certain way. I don’t claim that this way is correct or will appeal to anyone else, but still want to share it because it feels right and has turned on many light bulbs for me.

The premise that I will argue today is: Bitcoin is like a religion. I mean that in two ways.

First, it is like a religion in the sense that you should be able to be left leaning and also be a Bitcoiner, in the same way that you can be left, right or center and be an Atheist, Christian or Muslim. For Bitcoin adoption to break into the mainstream, its ideology needs to be palatable to the large center, not just the Libertarians. Bitcoin itself is not incompatible…

