Audio-only podcasts on YouTube

Josh Taylor
2 min readMay 4, 2023


It’s easier than you think

MYTH: Nobody watches podcasts on YouTube, especially audio-only shows with just a static image.

TRUTH: Yes, you can gain traction on YouTube with your podcast — even if it’s audio-only with just a static image.

It’s been my experience that success hinges on 5 factors.

  • Niche
  • Content
  • Thumbnails
  • Video titles
  • Video descriptions

I do think it’s somewhat niche-dependent. If your podcast is you and your buddies sitting around talking about MMA, pop culture, and what you did over the past weekend, you may have a hard time. There are a ton of other shows discussing the same topics and nobody is actively searching out that type of content. If your niche is something in demand — if there’s a lack of available information — that’s where you’ll have the best luck.

Your video titles and descriptions are what helps YouTube place your content in front of people who want to see it. If you’re already a podcaster, you should already have robust show notes. These will work great for your YouTube description. For your video titles, keep them short and compelling. Avoid episode numbers.

Your thumbnail is what causes people to hit play on your video. It needs to be uncluttered and eye-catching.

And your content is what causes people to continue to watch (listen). Yes, even with just a static image, people will watch your content on YouTube if it’s engaging.

I’m certainly not Mr. Beast, but I have had a ton of organic growth on YouTube with just my audio-only podcast and a static image. You can, too! If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to hit me up.

