Understanding Cyber Attackers: Types and Methods

3 min readJan 11, 2023

Cyber-attacks are a growing concern in today’s digital world. These attacks can come from a variety of sources, with different goals and methods. Understanding the types of cyber attackers and the methods they use is important for protecting yourself and your organization from digital threats. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the different types of cyber attackers and their methods, including script kiddies, state-sponsored attackers, and organized criminal groups.

Script Kiddies

Script kiddies are individuals, often inexperienced in hacking, who use pre-existing scripts or tools to launch attacks. These attacks are often indiscriminate and intended to cause disruption rather than steal sensitive information. Script kiddies often launch attacks such as denial of service (DoS) or distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which can overload and take down websites or networks. They often use pre-built tools or scripts to launch these attacks, which allows them to carry out attacks even with a limited level of technical knowledge.

State-Sponsored Attackers

State-sponsored attackers are individuals or groups that are backed by a government. These attackers typically have access to more resources and advanced tools than other types of attackers, and they often target specific organizations or individuals for intelligence gathering or political gain. They may use sophisticated methods such as spear-phishing, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and zero-day exploits to gain access to targeted systems. They may also carry out cyber espionage campaigns, stealing confidential information to gain an advantage over other nations.

Organized Criminal Groups

Organized criminal groups carry out cyber attacks with the goal of financial gain. They use a variety of methods, including phishing scams, malware, and ransomware to steal sensitive information such as credit card details or personal information that can be sold on the black market. They often use botnets, which are networks of infected computers, to launch DDoS attacks or distribute malware. These groups may also use advanced techniques such as supply chain attacks, to target the systems of organizations that have access to sensitive information.


Hacktivists are individuals or groups who use hacking as a means of promoting their political or social agenda. They may carry out attacks such as website defacement, DoS attacks, or data breaches, with the goal of stealing sensitive information that they can use to damage the reputation of the target or to raise awareness about a specific cause. They may also carry out attacks as a form of online protest, taking down websites or leaking sensitive information as a form of digital activism.

Insider Threats

Insider threats are cyber attacks that originate from within an organization, rather than from an external source. These can include employees, contractors or vendors who have legitimate access to an organization’s systems, but use that access maliciously. Insider threats can be motivated by financial gain, revenge, or other personal reasons. They often use their privileged access to steal sensitive information or disrupt operations, and can be particularly hard to detect and prevent as they have legitimate access to the organization’s systems.


Cyber attackers come in many forms, with different goals and methods. Understanding the different types of cyber attackers and their methods is essential for protecting yourself and your organization from digital threats. From script kiddies who launch indiscriminate attacks, to state-sponsored attackers who carry out targeted cyber espionage campaigns, it is important to be aware of the different types of cyber attackers, their methods and ways.

