5 Steps to Kick-Ass Engagement On Facebook

Dr. Patty ll Beach
2 min readMay 17, 2017


Improve Your Chances of Success with a Plan

You’ll need to always keep in the forefront of your mind that your business isn’t Facebook. Your business is to increase sales. When you’re on Facebook it can be easy to become distracted as mentioned previously. One way to deal with this and to ensure you do what you set out to do, is to have a plan.

The first step of your plan is to identify your objectives. Is to increase sales? Is it to promote a particular product or event? Is it to build brand loyalty and awareness? Your objectives in any given plan may be one or two of these things or all. The decision is yours to make and that depends on the plan.

Generally you’ll want to do the following to create your plan:

1. Identify the purpose of your Facebook campaign (e.g., increase sales)

2. Identify your target audience — this will help you to determine which groups you might want to join to start networking with potential customers or clients and it will also help you to answer questions about demographics and target markets when developing a Facebook advertisement campaign (something I highly recommend).

3. Determine the strategies you will use to reach your target audience to promote your product or service. Following are some examples

a. Create a monthly editorial calendar of daily posts on a particular topic, designed to generate comments and discussion that ultimately reinforce the need for your product or service.

b. Launch a Facebook advertising campaign that will help to promote your product/service to a wide segment of your target market.

c. Launch a YouTube video contest on your business page — promote prizes and generate excitement for the contest.

d. Use your Facebook page to build a list separate from Facebook — offer a free gift as an incentive to encourage visitors to share with you their name and email address.

4. Determine how you measure the success of each strategy and then MEASURE. Use many of the analytical tools provided by Facebook. If things aren’t working after a decent interval of time, adjust as needed.

At the conclusion of your campaign or promotional effort examine how successful your overall initiative was at increasing your sales. If you succeeded then repeat! If not, look at where you could have changed strategies, then adjust and start again.

If you’d like to know more about creating your own success plan for maximum engagement and impact be sure to join me and over 300 other women on Facebook we are a boutique community that knows how to get shit done!

Be sure to join our Facebook Event on Monday May 22, 2017 as we officially open the doors to It’s Possible PR.



Dr. Patty ll Beach

Doctor of Divinity, Metaphysical & Spiritual Science | Spiritual Life Coach | Seer | Depression & Anxiety Warrior | Cousin of Catherine Parr | Aries Goddess