But it would’ve been fun if you would’ve been the one.

Haven Diaries
3 min readJun 14, 2024


We were something, don’t you think so?

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We were…well, it’s hard to describe. Not quite friends, not quite something more, but there was definitely something there.

We were something, weren’t we? A connection, a friendship that feels a little deeper. Maybe it was just late-night talks that stretched on for hours, or the way we could just be comfortable together, even in silence. Maybe it was the language we spoke that no one else understood, or the way our eyes would meet across a crowded room, and we’d both know exactly what the other was thinking.

Whatever “it” was, it was special, but for whatever reason, things never quite went further. There was a line we didn’t cross. Maybe the timing was off. Maybe we were both scared. Fear, like a thief, stole the chance to see if “what if” could become “forever”.

Or maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.

I often wonder what could have been if things had turned out differently. Would we have been happy together? Would we have made it work? Or was it just a momentary moment in time that was never meant to last?

It’s hard to say for sure, but one thing is certain — you left something on my heart that will never fade.

I guess that’s the worst part, there’s no way to know for sure. We’ll never know what “we” could have been, what kind of more than something we would have made.

Yet, it truly would have been fun if you would’ve been the one. The one to hold me close, whisper sweet things, and smile at me with full of love. The one to share my dreams and fears, successes and failures. The one to walk with me through life’s highs and lows, hand in hand, heart-to-heart. The one who would make me more happy, wipe away my tears, and be my shoulder to cry on when I’m feeling overwhelmed. The one who would understand me like no one else, support me in everything I do, and stand by me no matter what. The one who would light up my world, make every moment special, and fill my heart with love and warmth. And most of all, the one who would be my everything, not just “something”.

What if we did really try? Would things be different now? Would we still be happy together, or would it all have ended in tears, just like how it usually is?

The truth is, I’ll never know.

Although the unexpected connection that we had didn’t last, it will stay with me forever.

It will always be remembered in my heart.

Who knows, maybe someday our paths will cross again. Maybe then, we’ll finally take that step forward, yet for this moment, I’ll just hold onto the memories and the feeling of what could have been.

Maybe someday I’ll write about you again, with a different ending, but for now, this is all I have.

-The one who wonders, “What if it would’ve been you?” and “What if it would’ve been me?”



Haven Diaries

Baring my soul and raging against the pain by writing something beautiful from it.