Forgive me as I keep on writing about you.

Haven Diaries
3 min readMay 25, 2024
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out

It seems that no matter how hard I try to move on, thoughts of you continue to haunt me. I am facing the reality that you are no longer a part of my life, that the love we once shared has been turned to mere memories.

It pains me to think that you were able to discard “us” so easily, as what we once had meant was nothing to you. I struggle to understand how you could walk away without a second thought, leaving me to pick up the shattered pieces of my heart. Your absence makes me feel blue all the time. It feels like a heavy weight in my heart, reminding me of the love we had.

I miss the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your embrace, the way your eyes lit up when you looked at me. I miss the way we used to talk for hours on end, sharing our hopes and dreams for the future. I miss the way you made me feel alive, like I was truly seen and understood.

But now, all I am left with are the ghosts of our past, the ghost of a love that once burned bright but has since faded into darkness. I am left to mourn the loss of what could have been, to grieve for the future we will never share.

Maybe it’s selfish of me to keep talking about you. You’ve probably moved on, made new memories with someone new, but here I am, stuck in a cycle of “what ifs” and “maybes.”

I can’t help but wonder if you think about me too. Do you ever look back and wonder what could have been? Or have you completely forgotten about me already? Surely you already did.

I wish I could stop thinking and writing about you, but you’re still a big part of my thoughts and my heart. I really hope one day I can find peace and let go of the hold you have on me.

I know that I must find a way to let you go, to release myself from the chains of our past. However, the pain of your absence is a heavy burden that I struggle to bear. I long for closure.

I want to know why. I need an explanation.

Time heals, as they say, but some wounds linger, refusing to heal easily.

You, my worst lesson, a beautiful yet harsh reminder of how love can be short-lasting. You taught me the joy of connection, the pain of loss, and the struggle of letting go.

You were my worst teacher, a cruel fairy tale where the happily ever after turned into a bitter disappointment. Even so, deep down, a foolish part of me still longs for what we could have had.

I truly hope that one day, I will find the strength to forgive you for leaving me behind, and most of all, I hope I can forgive myself for holding on to a love that was never meant to last.

Forgive me also, my dear subject, for keeping you in my words. Forgive me for reliving our love and our heartbreak with every sentence I write. And most of all, forgive me for still loving you despite everything you put me through.



Haven Diaries

Baring my soul and raging against the pain by writing something beautiful from it.