UX Case Study : Last Wish Feature of Bank Jago

Havinda Rosita
4 min readSep 28, 2022


UX Case Study Bank Jago

Disclaimer : This case study is based on the Batch 3 program from Skilvul. Taking Bank Jago as a challenge in this program, and the following are the results of the program for adding the last wish feature.

Jago is a financial application that can perform the financial management process of its users. A great feature of the bank Jago is that you can collaborate on financial management with family or friends. Currently Jago wants to develop a will feature, where the feature aims to fulfill someone’s last wish.

To find out the user’s needs in making the last wish on the application
2. To find out the user experience at the time of making the Last Wish
3. To validate to users the Last Wish feature, is it in accordance with user needs and behavior

Team Roles
In this case I’m collaborate with Fitri, Krisna, Abri. We brainstorm the flow to the wireframe design and prototype in Figma.

Design Process
The design process is the process of developing a design solution, breaking the abstract solution into details to meet requirements or specifications. The reason for using this design process is that it saves time and can be more specific.

1 — Empathize
The first stage in the design process is to exercise empathy. Empathy is as important to a human-centered design process as design thinking because it allows you to set aside your own assumptions about the world and gain real insight into users and their needs.

2 — Define
At this stage the analysis and observation process is carried out based on the results of research from the empathize stage. So it will help the designers in a team to put together great ideas to build features, functions, and other elements that will enable them to solve problems or, at the very least, allow users to solve problems on their own with minimal difficulty.

Pain Poins
How Might We

3 — Ideate
After getting the results of the analysis, the next process is to determine the idea to be used. Brainstorm and Worst Possible Idea sessions are usually used to stimulate free thinking and to expand the problem space. It is important to get as many ideas or solutions to the problem as possible. We should choose some other Ideation technique at the end of the Ideation phase to help us investigate and test our ideas so that we can find the best way to solve the problem or provide the necessary elements to avoid it.

Solution Idea
Prioritization Idea

After going through the define and ideate stages, it can be continued by making a flow for the features that have been determined to be developed.

Last Wish Flow

4 — Prototyping
Then the design team will execute the ideas that have been determined. From the design, a prototype is made based on the flow that has been made previously. Prototypes can be shared and tested within the team itself, in other departments, or with a small group of people outside the design team. This is an experimental phase, and the aim is to identify the best solution for each problem identified during the first three stages.

Prototype redesign Bank Jago

5 — Testing
At this stage the designer will test the design that has been made. Based on usability testing, the designer knows whether there are improvements or design flow that will be used. Even during this phase, changes and improvements are made to eliminate problem solutions and gain a deep understanding of the product and its users.

Before testing, a user research stimulus is created to explain the details of the research flow to be carried out. The following are the results of research based on user research stimuli using the Single Ease Question method.

Examples of research results

Based on the stages that have been passed, it is concluded that currently many people need insurance in digital form, because of its effectiveness and efficiency. However, some inputs from respondents, such as including an expert notary, must be considered in choosing online insurance.

The next recommendation is to be more effective in selecting research respondents, as well as conducting usability testing to produce the best flow and design.

Thank you for the experience in making case studies, so I can learn to work well in teams, and can produce good design products, and can do research to testing in real cases.



Havinda Rosita

Learn from people around and grow from experience, hope to become UI/UX professional