One Liner Summaries of Memorable Moments from the Harvard Business School

Hawa Drammeh
2 min readJun 24, 2023


Harvard Summer Venture in Management 2023 Archives, Hawa Ali Drammeh

Kevin Kamau: Create your own definition of success and happiness, prioritize what truly makes you happy.

Grace Brose: Embrace change, empathy, patience, and understanding to strengthen communities and help others grow.

Ofori Ohene: Invest in communities and nurture the potential of young children for positive impact.

Kiara Vasquez: Break barriers, pursue passions, and inspire others through relentless determination.

Ahsan Mehmood: Take initiatives, overcome age limitations, and work towards helping underprivileged communities.

Esosa Osunde: Embrace confidence, authenticity, and kindness to inspire others and achieve greatness.

Michelle E. Henry: Rise above challenges, embrace opportunities, and never lose hope in pursuit of your goals.

Dev Patel & Jesus Palenzula: Study global challenges, seek knowledge, and take action for a sustainable future.

Danielle Mensah: Combine profitability with initiatives that benefit the community for better results.

Keyaan Roumina: Practice concise and impactful communication, choose words wisely, and be mindful of their impact.

Olasubomi Olawepo: Foster inclusion, unite communities, and create genuine impact through kindness.

Brandan S. Louis: Resilience and the power of personal stories to inspire; defying odds and shaping a brighter future.

Maitreyee Malpekar: Upholding personal ethics and values, honoring loved ones, and finding meaning in life.

Bishoy Yacoub: Cultivating a questioning mindset, challenging assumptions, and continuously evaluating personal growth.

Laura L. Landetta: Finding beauty in simple things, appreciating nature, and embracing the present moment.

Ashley Santiago: Active listening, curiosity, and embracing diverse cultures and experiences.

Stephanie Laynez: Embracing purpose, challenging assumptions, and seeking personal growth with an open mind.

Luis Castro: Being authentic, bringing joy, and inspiring others to embrace their true selves.

Esther Okuseinde: Uniting communities, fostering collaboration, and advocating for underprivileged African youth education.

Audrey Tchoumi & Brian Oviedo: Selfless individuals who emphasize collaboration and support for others, fostering collective growth and success.

Eliam Musse: An embodiment of a lifelong learner, emphasizing the power of dedication, growth mindset, and embracing challenges to achieve goals.

Roland Davis: A strong advocate for giving back and living authentically, inspiring others to prioritize community impact and stay true to themselves at every stage of life.

Harvard Summer Venture in Management 2023 Archives, Hawa Ali Drammeh

