Automated Code Review on GitHub Actions with reviewdog for any languages/tools

4 min readSep 16, 2019


reviewdog meets GitHub Actions ♡

Can control status check

reviewdog is an automated code review tool which supports any language and any tools by providing generic ways to parse tools’ output (errorformat, checkstyle).

From reviewdog v0.9.13, it now supports GitHub Actions integration. You can use github-pr-check reporter to report results to GitHub Check with GITHUB_TOKEN which is automatically generated in GitHub Actions. No need to create a bot account and personal access token anymore and no need to install reviewdog GitHub App too!

- name: Setup reviewdog
run: |
mkdir -p $HOME/bin && curl -sfL| sh -s -- -b $HOME/bin
echo ::add-path::$HOME/bin
# Example to run misspell.
- name: Run reviewdog
run: |
misspell . | reviewdog -efm="%f:%l:%c: %m" -name="misspell" -reporter=github-pr-check

Public reviewdog GitHub Actions

You can also use published GitHub Actions too!


This is an example to use reviewdog/action-misspell which reports misspell result to find typos in Pull Requests.

# .github/workflows/reviewdog.yml
name: reviewdog
on: [pull_request]
name: runner / misspell
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out code.
uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: misspell
uses: reviewdog/action-misspell@v1
github_token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
locale: "US"

You can just copy&paste the above configuration to .github/workflows/reviewdog.yml and it should work!


I also created reviewdog/action-golanci-lint for Go projects.
This is a simple example to run golangci-lint.

# .github/workflows/reviewdog.yml
name: reviewdog
on: [pull_request]
name: runner / golangci-lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: golangci-lint
uses: reviewdog/action-golangci-lint@v1
github_token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}

And this is an advanced usage example to golangci-lint with config file and run individual linters (e.g. golint) separately and control the report level (to control GitHub Status Check).

# .github/workflows/reviewdog.yml
name: reviewdog
on: [pull_request]
name: runner / golangci-lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: golangci-lint
uses: reviewdog/action-golangci-lint@v1 # Build with Dockerfile
github_token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
# Can pass --config flag to change golangci-lint behavior.
golangci_lint_flags: "--config=.github/.golangci.yml"

# Use golint via golangci-lint binary with "warning" level.
name: runner / golint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: golint
uses: reviewdog/action-golangci-lint@v1
github_token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
golangci_lint_flags: "--disable-all -E golint"
tool_name: golint # Change reporter name.
level: warning # GitHub Status Check won't become failure
# with this level.

More reviewdog Actions!

I created 2 actions so far by myself and it was not difficult to create a GitHub Action using reviewdog. You can install and use reviewdog on your GitHub Actions for your projects, but if it’s common workflow, we can create Public GitHub Actions for more and more languages and tools and let’s share them!

Let me know if you created an action to list available reviewdog actions :)

Hint: reviewdog is already used by many kinds of projects including Go, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, Android, Rust, CommonLisp, Typo checkers, Japanese proofreading … and arbitrary languages and tools! All we need is to convert your setup config to sharable one and write small Dockerfile and GitHub Actions config. See GitHub documents and reviewdog/action-misspell, reviewdog/action-golanci-lint for examples to create reviewdog actions.

Note on GitHub Actions Integration

  1. GitHub Actions itself is still in beta as of writing! Please file bugs and/or report problems to GitHub support if you find any problems.
  2. Pull Requests from forked repositories: GITHUB_TOKEN doesn't have write access if Pull Requests is from forked repositories, so reviewdog will report results to GitHub Actions Log console instead of using Check API.
  3. GitHub Actions is Awesome :)
    Thank to GitHub Actions, it becomes very easy to set up and use reviewdog both for OSS and private projects. Please try reviewdog/action-misspell which should be useful for all kinds of projects which uses English if in doubt :)

More about reviewdog

Please read README and previous articles for more detail about reviewdog.

Please give it a shot and let me know if you find any problems and/or have feedback.

