Positioning pharmacy activations to create demand for HIV Self testing in the private sector in Kenya

2 min readFeb 20, 2023


Private sector is a vital distribution channel for selfcare products in our communities. This has empowered people to conduct self-diagnosis and perform self-recognition of symptoms as well as access selfcare products and services. Public health program implementers have utilized these channels to promote access to affordable healthcare products such as HIV self-testing (HIVST) kits and sexual reproductive health products like condoms. This has accelerated efforts geared towards prevention of infectious diseases such as HIV. However, much is needed to increase awareness of availability of selfcare products in the private. Additional efforts are needed to bridge this widening gap.

Population Services Kenya (PS Kenya) through Strengthening HIV Self Testing in the Private Sector (SHIPS) project conducted two rounds of pharmacy activations to increase awareness of HIVST and selfcare products in the private sector. These exercises were conducted across 56 pharmacies to educate walk-in clients and those around pharmacies on the availability of HIVST kits, how to test, where to get post testing services and interpret test results. The activations were conducted by trained sale agent/patrons who were positioned at designated pharmacy outlets to explain to clients the importance of testing, different types of HIVST kits available at the pharmacies and accessibility of pre and post HIV testing services.

The participating pharmacies were branded with Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials bearing clear messages on importance of testing. During the activations, the trained sale agents tailored messaging towards social behavior change that aimed at encouraging people to know their HIV. The trained patrons mobilized clients within the pharmacy and its vicinity to know their HIV status. Those who bought HIVST kits were gifted with project branded t-shirts with messages on importance of HIV self-testing. Clients reached were also encouraged to purchase other sexual and reproductive health products alongside HIVST kits for a broader public health benefit.

During the two rounds of activations, a total of 1978 people were reached directly and engaged. Interestingly, a total of 265 kits were sold during the activations to clients who might have not been reached with the mainstream health facility-based testing. This is a clear evidence that periodic pharmacy activations are effective approach to increasing awareness on pharmacies that stock the kits hence creating sustainable demand that increases sales of HIVST.

Trained Sale Agent at a Pharmacy outlet
HIVST User enaged during the activation
HIVST User engaged during the activation




I am a Public Health professional with over 4 years of proven work experience in Social Behavior Change Communication 2 of which are in Behavioral Research.