7 Scary Facts Of Childhood Nutrition Every Parent Must Know In 2022 | Experts Review.

HayChess Digital
3 min readOct 20, 2022


A UNICEF report says, one of the main causes of child mortality worldwide can be attributed to undernutrition and is estimated to cause at least half of all child deaths.

The most important step toward long-term good health is early nutrition!

Children who eat a balanced diet can flourish and develop into healthy adults.

A solid and appropriate diet is the fundamental cornerstone of long-term health. It covers eating habits and the consumption of foods that are healthy.

The mother’s preconception nutritional state has a significant impact on the development of the kid even before conception.

This demonstrates how critical diet is to a child’s physical development.

A balanced diet is essential for all children, whether they are newborns, toddlers, or pre-schoolers. Without it, malnutrition can result, which can cause a variety of illnesses and inappropriate growth.

The COVID-19 Outbreak Has Highlighted The Importance Of Children’s Nutrition!

The epidemic does not have children as its face. However, we cannot deny that they run the risk of being its primary victims.

Thankfully, they have mostly escaped the pandemic’s immediate health repercussions. However, the crisis has a significant influence on children’s wellness because of factors like poor eating, mental health effects, social isolation, screen addiction, and more.

Today, it is even more important for young children to eat a balanced diet that meets all of their nutritional needs and promotes both today’s and tomorrow’s health.

The current situation makes children’s malnutrition even riskier than usual. This is the moment when their nutrition bar should be highest.

When it comes to undernutrition in particular, the effects of malnutrition on children’s lives are very severe.

A youngster cannot develop normally without receiving the right nourishment. As a result, undernutrition is a serious problem that is getting worse every day throughout the world.

Once a child understands the value of healthy eating, that understanding stays with them throughout their lives to help them lead happy, fulfilling lives.

Considering that, let’s look at some facts right now.

1) * In Latin America and the Caribbean, 7.5% of children under the age of five were deemed overweight.

2) * The prevalence of obesity among 15 to 19-year-olds was 5.6% in 1995; by the year 2000, it had risen to 8.1%.

3) * Around 8.5% of coronavirus illnesses and fewer deaths worldwide occur in people under the age of 18.

4) * Malnutrition estimates place the number of stunting cases (in millions) at around 149.2.

5) * Around 5.7% of children aged 0 to 59 months are overweight worldwide.

6) * The prevalence of wasting and the number of children afflicted (in millions) is approximately 13.6.

7) * According to the Global Burden of Disease study, eating habits and poor diet are thought to be responsible for 11 million (1 in 5 fatalities) deaths worldwide.

The fundamental requirement for protecting children from disabilities and illnesses is access to healthy food!

A balanced, wholesome diet helps youngsters lay a solid basis for developing healthy eating habits from an early age and for lifelong wellness.

Click Here To Uncover Efficient Kids Nutritional Strategies To Maintain Children’s Dietary Requirements, Improve Their Immunity Power, And Boost Their Growth For Better Foundation Of Good Health!

