Self care is…

Hayli Nicole
1 min readDec 30, 2017


…taking a walk outside and observing the way the light reflects off the windows of the buildings in the neighborhood.

…enjoying a cup of tea or coffee at a local cafe and watching the world pass around you instead of dialing in to your phone.

…taking a break from social media and the never ending numbers game.

…lighting a few candles and reading a book of poetry.

…buying a bath bomb and soaking for twenty minutes. Scents and aromas can alter your mood for the better. Peppermint and lavender seem to be my scent triggers.

…any and every creative practice you love. Hand lettering, photo editing, painting. Create something. Anything. It makes a difference when we move beyond our mind and let our hands take the lead for a while.

…taking time out of the day to journal. BUJO included.

…being present with your thoughts and emotions instead of hiding or running from them. Meditation can be overwhelming in these moments, but I also feel the most relieved when I sit with myself for a while.

…writing. Even when people say I shouldn’t overshare or make things so public, I do it anyways. If it helps someone feel a little less alone in their journeys, then it is always worth it.

Self care looks different for everyone. These are some of the things I do when I’m feeling the lowest. I would love to hear what you do when it comes to self care. Perhaps it could be the thing to turn my day around completely.



Hayli Nicole

Award-Winning Travel Writer. Book Doula and Writing Coach. Spoken Word Poet. Vagabond and Perpetual Traveller.