Beyond “Thoughts and Prayers”: HazAdapt Revolutionizes Solidarity Marketing with Humane Ads

HazAdapt Official
3 min readJan 18, 2023


An illustration of a community scene showing people and businesses coming together with disaster supplies.

Disasters bring communities together, but for businesses and community groups, it can be a tricky time for marketing.

Consumers appreciate when companies show solidarity by providing real resources and support, but insincere or ill-timed social media posts can come across as inappropriate.

HazAdapt, a new emergency information app, changes the game by incorporating a new style of digital advertising that helps connect communities in need with resources before, during, and after a disaster.

An image of HazAdapt app, your on-the-go hazard guide with the app store icons and web tool address: Below the app is the recognition the HazAdapt was the International Association of Emergency Managers 2022 Technology and Innovation of the Year.
HazAdapt, your on-the-go hazard guide, connects you to customizable information and resources to help you prepare, respond, and recover from life’s different hazards.

With HazAdapt, emergency authorities can boost their public alerts with a link to the app’s customizable resilience guide. The app is free and available offline, and it can be used to prepare, respond, and recover from natural and man-made disasters.

HazAdapt’s Community Sponsors feature revolutionizes social solidarity marketing by allowing companies to become a meaningful resource for communities in crisis, without being exploitative or insensitive.

Each of the 30+ Hazard Resilience Guides includes an “opt-in” space for “Community Sponsors,” where businesses and groups can sponsor information and resources on a local or national level. This way, companies can show their support and provide valuable resources without disrupting emergency information and without being bound by the timing constraints of social media posts.

(Check it out in the HazAdapt Wildfire Resilience Guide)

HazAdapt is dedicated to supporting community resilience through its Community Sponsors Program. The program is designed to be affordable, with prices comparable to a local print ad. Additionally, HazAdapt offers discounts and scholarships for emergency response and community groups. All funds go toward getting HazAdapt to more communities.

Illustration of a local restaurant owner hanging a “heart community sign” under a banner advertising “Meals 4 those affected”.
Local businesses play a key role in community resilience.

It’s not easy to talk about advertising through a disaster.
Platforms have a history of using advertising in harmful ways and purchasing ad space on traditional social media does not help the community in need any more than “thoughts and prayers” comments.

HazAdapt Humanity-Friendly technology has re-engineered digital advertising to avoid these problems for the community resilience space.

By choosing to be a HazAdapt Community Sponsor, your organization becomes an active part of your community resilience by supporting a valuable crisis tool that brings communities together.



HazAdapt Official

Oregon-based tech startup talking about hazards, technology, and the human stuff in-between.