10 Simple Ways I Use To Save Money Fast (and Actually Build My Wealth)

I started budgeting in Jan 2024

Hazel Paradise
3 min readJun 30, 2024
Photo by rupixen on Unsplash

Few months back I started tracking my finances. It makes lot of sense now as to where my MONEY WAS ACTUALLY GOING.

Non-sense buying, not using coupons and discounts when necessary, and paying for subscriptions that I don’t actually need (entertainment for sure!) were some things that swallowed a lot of my hard-earned money.

Today I will share some of the tips that you can try to save money starting today. There are so many things you can do.

Like a popular one is No Spend Month. This is where you won’t spend your money unnecessarily. You can have your own set of rules.

Some examples of No Spend Month that you can follow —

  1. No shopping for ONE MONTH. This is perfect for someone like me who likes to shop a lot and buy stuff that ACTUALLY I don’t even need.
  2. No, paying for entertainment for ONE MONTH — I think my brother needs this. If you like binge-watching because the internet has become cheaper than ever then believe me you need this. Not only will save you money but save you from insanity as well :)
  3. No outside dinner — I think in mid-2022 I used to eat a lot of take outs. Burgers and rolls were my only meals most of the day. Then the rest would be chips and even coke. Never recommend anyone this type of dieting. Now I prefer home-cooked meals only.

How to Save Money Now (Before You Really Need It)

  1. Buy household supplies when they’re cheap. This has really helped me a lot to save money. I am not very good at budgeting but this was something my aunt taught me.
  2. Car-sharing services save me huge money.
  3. Create a 50/30/20 budget — Started a few months back. I never heard of this rule before. I will soon write a detailed article on this one.
  4. The first priority should be — Paying off high-interest debt. Do this at once and it should be on top of the list.
  5. Track spending — And for this you can use a Budgeting tracker.
  6. Set savings goals — I set one goal per month. You can do yearly goals as well. For me, monthly goals are easily achievable.
  7. I canceled unnecessary subscriptions. Not to save money but just to save my precious time. I opted for better alternatives like entertainment, gardening is what I do now.
  8. Reduce your electric bill. I pay a lot for this one. I see people using solar panels now.
  9. Use discount coupons & deals whenever you can.
  10. Sell stuffs you rarely use — I have found Poshmark very useful for this.

This is all!

Saving money and budgeting is a huge topic for me. I am still learning. I started my budgeting journey on Jan 2024. It’s been 6 months and going great so far.

I think if I had started this sooner, I would have been richer than I am today. Saving even a few hundred dollars per month makes THOUSANDS at the end of the year. That doesn’t come for free, right?

I will soon share more of my budgeting journey with you.

See you soon. Happy budgeting!

If you like budgeting then you can use this — All-in-one Budget Tracker [Google Sheets]

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Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.